本资源是Robert H. Shumway • David S. Stoffer 的《Time Series Analysis and Its Applications With R Examples》英文第四版,
2020-01-24 03:17:25 5.81MB Time Series Robert H.
数字通信的一本经典教材,深入浅出。作者是大牛 Bernard.Sklar
2020-01-20 03:07:13 73.76MB digital comm
Practical Optimization: Algorithms and Engineering Applications provides a hands-on treatment of the subject of optimization. A comprehensive set of problems and exercises makes the book suitable for use in one or two semesters of a first-year graduate course or an advanced undergraduate course. Each half of the book contains a full semester’s worth of complimentary yet stand-alone material. The practical orientation of the topics chosen and a wealth of useful examples also make the book suitable as a reference work for practitioners in the field. Advancements in the efficiency of digital computers and the evolution of reliable software for numerical computation during the past three decades have led to a rapid growth in the theory, methods, and algorithms of numerical optimization. This body of knowledge has motivated widespread applications of optimization methods in many disciplines, e.g., engineering, business, and science, and has subsequently led to problem solutions that were considered intractable not too long ago.
2020-01-18 03:10:28 5.03MB optimization
2020-01-15 03:13:17 14.08MB 压缩感知 稀疏 信号处理
医疗、遥感与工业应用的二维与三维图像配准,外国经典著作。 This book covers the fundamentals of both 2D and 3D image registration, the theories and methodologies currently developed,and the various applications in remote sensing, the military, industry, and medicine. Various medical, industrial, and remote sensin
2020-01-15 03:12:57 4.73MB Image Registration Remote
ABSTRACT With the development of network-enabled sensors and articial intelligence algorithms, various human-centered smart systems are proposed to provide services with higher quality, such as smart healthcare, affective interaction, and autonomous driving. Considering cognitive computing is an indispensable technology to develop these smart systems, this paper proposes human-centered computing assisted by cognitive computing and cloud computing. First, we provide a comprehensive investigation of cognitive computing, including its evolution from knowledge discovery, cognitive science, and big data. Then, the system architecture of cognitive computing is proposed, which consists of three critical technologies, i.e., networking (e.g., Internet of Things), analytics (e.g., reinforcement learning and deep learning), and cloud computing. Finally, it describes the representative applications of human-centered cognitive computing, including robot technology, emotional communication system, and medical cognitive system.
2020-01-13 03:14:00 4.09MB 認知運算
WPF的程序可以是一般的独立Windows应用(这样的程序现在常称为 Client应用),或者是分布式(Distributed)应用的前端(也就是RIA,Rich Internet Application),未来也可能利用WPF/E取代一部分的Web技术,例如:ASP.NET。第一部分先引导读者如何利用C#写出整个WPF程序(完全不用到XAML),第二部分再介绍XAML。蔡学镛书评 http://news.csdn.net/n/20070416/102795.html
2020-01-12 03:04:41 1.44MB Applications C#
Fast Fourier Transform and Its Applications 作者:E. Brigham 学习傅立叶变换的一本好书
2020-01-09 03:06:24 9.14MB Fourier Transform
图像识别与分类的算法系统应用的论文集 This book presents important recent advances in sensors, image processing algorithms, and systems for image recognition and classification with diverse applications in military, aerospace, security, image tracking, radar, biomedical, and intelligent transportation. The book includes contributions by some of the leading researchers in the field to present an overview of advances in image recognition and classification over the past decade. It provides both theoretical and practical information on advances in the field.
2020-01-05 00:33:37 8.43MB image recognition
全书包括Understanding GPS Principles and Applications, Second Edition 及其中文译本《GPS原理与应用》,便于相互对照,是经典GPS卫星导航教程
2020-01-04 03:15:03 33.04MB GPS 教程