2021-01-28 16:04:24 28.22MB computer vision algorithm 计算机视觉
2021-01-28 04:38:31 9.91MB Platform
企业通过使用容器,日益实现成本节约、解决部署问题并改进 DevOps 和生产操作。 通过创建 Azure Kubernetes 服务、Azure Service Fabric 等产品,同时与 Docker、Mesosphere 和 Kubernetes 等行业领先者合作,Microsoft 一直在推出适用于 Windows 和 Linux 的容器创新。 这些产品提供容器解决方案,可帮助公司以云的速度和规模生成并部署应用程序,而无需考虑其选用的平台或工具。 Docker 正在逐渐成为容器行业的事实标准,受到 Windows 和 Linux 生态系统领域最重要供应商的支持。
2021-01-28 04:13:20 11.19MB .NET
计算机视觉算法与应用英文版,原版,带标签,Computer Vision Algorithms and Applications,Richard Szeliski著,This electronic draft is for non-commercial personal use only, and may not be posted or re-distributed in any form.
2020-11-25 16:04:30 22.14MB CV
This book aims to develop professional and practical microcontroller applications in the ARM-MDK environment with Texas Instruments MSP432P401R LaunchPad kits. It introduces ARM Cortex-M4 MCU by highlighting the most important elements, including: registers, pipelines, memory, and I/O ports. With the updated MSP432P401R Evaluation Board (EVB), MSP-EXP432P401R, this MCU provides various control functions with multiple peripherals to enable users to develop and build various modern control projects with rich control strategies. Micro-controller programming is approached with basic and straightforward programming codes to reduce learning curves, and furthermore to enable students to build embedded applications in more efficient and interesting ways. For authentic examples, 37 Class programming projects are built into the book that use MSP432P401R MCU. Additionally, approximately 40 Lab programming projects with MSP432P401R MCU are included to be assigned as homework. Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction to microcontrollers and this book Chapter 2 MSP432 microcontroller architectures Chapter 3 MSP432 microcontroller development kits Chapter 4 ARM® microcontroller software and instruction set Chapter 5 MSP432 microcontroller interrupts and exceptions Chapter 6 ARM® and MSP432™ MCU memory system Chapter 7 MSP432™ parallel I/O ports programming Chapter 8 MSP432™ serial I/O ports programming Chapter 9 MSP432™ 16-bit timers and PWM modules Chapter 10 MSP432 32-bit timers and watchdog timer Chapter 11 MSP432™ floating-point unit (FPU) Chapter 12 MSP432™ memory protection unit (MPU) Appendix A: Download and install Keil MDK-ARM 5.15 IDE and MSP432 DFP Appendix B: Download and install MSPWare software package Appendix C: MSP432P401R-based EVB hardware setup Appendix D: The CMSIS core-specific intrinsic functions
2020-11-12 23:21:40 35.28MB MSP432
《CGAL Arrangements and Their Applications A Step-by-Step Guide》英文文字版,好不容才找到的。这好像是关于CGAL唯一的一本书。
2020-10-30 10:41:48 3.55MB CGAL
Machine Learning_Algorithms and Applications (True PDF)(2017).pdf Machine Learning_Algorithms and Applications (True PDF)(2017).pdf Machine Learning_Algorithms and Applications (True PDF)(2017).pdf
2020-05-11 23:46:48 5.08MB 机器学习
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications Richard+Szeliski.pdf计算机视觉算法与应用 该书是英文原版的书籍,详细介绍了图像处理相关的算法,以及现在比较流行的三维点云重建及匹配算法,生动形象具体,适合有经验的视觉算法工程师细读,回来我会将翻译文章进行上传,请继续关注
2020-05-11 23:29:07 185B Computer Vision
《Designing Data Intensive Applications》英文mobi版;今年的神书,知乎上大神推荐,玩转大数据必看的书。
2020-04-15 13:46:53 12.94MB mobi Data 数据库 大数据
The Robust Maximum Principle Theory and Applications控制理论经典书籍,了解线性系统,提供看待系统的角度。
2020-04-14 03:06:04 3.94MB 鲁棒控制