2021-08-09 22:11:29 14.5MB 物理 英文教材
著名的《Effective C++》和《More Effective C++》不用我多说大家也知道,我把收录到一起方便大家阅读,不过前提是你要有一定的英文基础哦~~
2021-08-09 21:54:16 1.64MB c++ 国外 英文
多重序列比对软件,掐头去尾,BioEdit 进化树绘制软件MEGA mega5.2 英文原版,原版附绘图详细过程!包会! 先用标准株在BioEdit里面掐头去尾 对齐序列,然后直接用mage分析出结果,一步搞定!
2021-08-09 21:46:29 58.37MB 进化树、绘制 ,mega
2021-08-09 18:48:57 4.38MB 深入理解 linux 虚拟内存 英文
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C C语言中的数据结构和算法
2021-08-08 22:30:25 2.04MB 数据结构和算法
Get ready for your AP Chemistry exam with this straightforward, easy-to-follow study guide--updated to match the latest test changesThe wildly popular test prep guide? updated and enhanced for smartphone users?5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 provides a proven strategy to achieving high scores on this demanding Advanced Placement exam.This logical and easy-to-follow instructional guide introduces an effective 5-step study plan to help students build the skills, knowledge, and test-taking confidence they need to reach their full potential.  One of the most demanding AP tests, the Chemistry exam includes multiple-choice questions, experiment-based questions, and free-response questions that require students to supply original worked-out solutions. 5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 helps students master all question types and offers comprehensive answer explanations and sample responses. Written by two Chemistry professors, this insider’s guide reflects the latest course syllabus and includes 2 full-length practice exams that match the latest version of the exam.The 5 Steps to a 5: AP Chemistry 2017 effective 5-step plan breaks down test preparation into stages: 1. Set Up Your Study Program 2. Determine Your Test Readiness 3. Develop Strategies for Success 4. Develop the Knowledge You Need to Score High 5. Build Your Test-Taking Confidence.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-08 11:24:00 9MB 英文
英文原版书 radar systems analysis and design using matlab 作者Bassem R
2021-08-08 09:41:01 3.95MB 雷达系统 Bassem 英文原版 MATLAB
Now significantly revised based on student feedback, this best-selling text provides a quick, authoritative review of the most important clinical aspects of neuroanatomy. A new, full-color design highlights the essential information you need to know to excel on course exams and the USMLE Step 1. New objectives begin every chapter, contents have been reorganized and streamlined, and all information has been completely updated. A new Gross Structure chapter lays the foundation for understanding the sectional anatomy in the Atlas chapter, and all terminology is now consistent with Terminologia Anatomica. A companion website offers USMLE-style questions for study and review.,解压密码 share.weimo.info
2021-08-07 20:58:41 35.56MB 英文
本书的第一部分以最基本的栈溢出开始,逐步深入,系统地介绍了格式化串漏洞、堆举出的原理。第二部分侧重于介绍多平台上(Windows,Solaris,Tru64等)的破解技术,除此之外,还介绍了怎样应对各种过滤器。而第三部分――挖掘漏洞,我认为是本书中亮点,正应了“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔”,吃透这一部分,我们应该很快就能发现属于自己的漏洞。第四部分介绍一些高级的内容,主要从可靠性、健壮性出发,扩展到怎样开发多功能的shellcode,除此之外,还介绍了怎样利用数据库与系统内核的漏洞。 本书的6位作者在信息安全界摸爬滚打多年,发现了多个重要的安全漏洞,他们的经验对我们来说弥足珍贵。本书的理论知识来自于他们多年的实践,也将最终应用于我们的实践。记得有人说过:成功的捷径就是模仿成功者。有这样一本鲜活的教材放在我们面前,还等什么呢?
2021-08-06 23:01:29 2.98MB Shellcoder exploit 逆向工程 缓冲区溢出
计算机大牛William Stallings的经典之作,操作系统精髓与设计原理,第九版,英文原版epub格式电子书
2021-08-06 16:25:33 18.63MB 操作系统