本总结来源于慕课网 @ustbhuangyi老师的课程《Vue.js2.5+cube-ui重构饿了么App》课程,本博客做了项目总结梳理便于回顾。系列博客https://blog.csdn.net/Sabrina_cc/article/details/106431081 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(1)概述+项目准备 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(2)主要组件实现 - 头部相关组件 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(3)主要组件实现 - 购物车相关组件(上) 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(4)主要组件实现 - 购物车相关组件(下) 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(5)主要组件实现 - 商品详情页部分 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(6)主要组件实现 - 评价页+商家页部分 项目总结:vue.js2.5饿了么APP(7)项目部署与总结
2023-11-06 23:35:17 257KB vue
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2022-04-02 00:22:16 16.16MB vue.js2.0 管理系统模板
2021-09-14 15:05:44 334KB vue web 前端 静态资源
Explore Vue.js to take advantage of the capabilities of modern browsers and devices using the fastest-growing framework for building dynamic JavaScript applications. You will work with the power of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern on the client, creating a strong foundation for complex and rich web apps. Best-selling author Adam Freeman explains how to get the most from Vue.js 2. He begins by describing the MVC pattern and the benefits it can offer. He then shows you how to use Vue.js in your projects, starting from the nuts and bolts and building up to the most advanced and sophisticated features, going in-depth to give you the knowledge you need. Chapters include common problems and how to avoid them. What You’ll Learn Gain a solid architectural understanding of the MVC pattern Create rich and dynamic web app clients using Vue.js 2 Extend and customize Vue.js Test your Vue.js projects Who This Book Is For JavaScript developers who want to use Vue.js to create dynamic client-side applications
2021-08-10 10:04:33 19.08MB Vue.js2