2024-02-26 19:54:03 5.89MB 网络协议
如果有一些朋友使用Vista操作系统,使用它的远程桌面客户端 mstsc.exe,并且使用一个宽频显示器,就会发现相比标准Windows XP Pro版的mstsc.exe RDP客户端, Vista的有一个明显的优势!宽屏!是的,非常正确!和正常的微软Windows XP mstsc 程序不同,Vista版本的这个程序考虑到计算机屏幕的充分使用,特别是你再使用一个宽屏显示器,比如DELL的或其他这样的一些设备。
2024-02-26 15:15:44 21KB
各种关于流媒体的协议标准,为pdf格式,有RTP、RTCP、RTSP。具体包括: 1 . An Application Level Real-Time Protocol for Distributed Interactive Media 2 . draft-ietf-mmusic-rtsp-09 3 . Extension of RTP payload Type for Multiple Program MPEG Transport Stream 4 . Guidelines for Writers of RTP Payload Format Specifications 5 . Multimedia Over IP- RSVP, RTP, RTCP, RTSP 6 . Payload Format for HTTP Encoding in RTP 7 . QuickTime Generic RTP Payload Format 8 . Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) 9 . rfc2029-CellB Video Encoding 10 . rfc2032-H261 11 . rfc2035-JPEG-compressed Video 12 . rfc2038-MPEG1-MPEG2 13 . rfc2190-H263 Video Streams 14 . rfc2250-MPEG1-MPEG2 Video 15 . rfc2429-the 1998 Version of ITU-T Rec 16 . rfc2431-BT.656 Video Encoding 17 . rfc2435-JPEG-compressed Video 18 . rfc2793-Text Conversation 19 . rfc2833-DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones and Telephony Signals 20 . rfc2862-Real-Time Pointers 21 . rfc3047-ITU-T Recommendation G.722.1 22 . rfc3119-MP3 Audio 23 . rfc3189-DV (IEC 61834) Video 24 . rfc3190-12-bit DAT Audio and 20- and 24-bit Linear Sampled Audio 25 . rfc3267-AMR AMR-WB 26 . rfc3389-Comfort Noise (CN) 27 . rfc3497-SMPTE 28 . rfc3550-RTP 29 . rfc3555-MIME Type Registration 30 . rfc3557-ETSI ES 201 108 Distributed Speech Recognition Encoding 31 . rfc3558-EVRC SMV 32 . rfc3611-RTCP Extended Reports 33 . rfc3984-H264 34 . rfc3984-H264_ 35 . RTP Payload Format for AC-3 Streams 36 . RTP Payload Format for ASF Streams 37 . RTP Payload Format for DV Format Video 38 . RTP Payload Format for MPEG-2 AAC Streams 39 . RTP payload format for MPEG-4 Audio-Visual streams 40 . RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 Streams 41 . RTP payload format for MPEG-4 Visual Advanced Profiles 42 . RTP Payload Format for MPEG-4 with Flexible Error Resiliency 43 . RTP Payload Format for PureVoice(tm) Audio 44 . RTP Payload Format for RT Video Streams 45 . RTP Payload format for Shared Multicast Virtual Worlds (SMVW) 46 . RTP payload format for the CELT codec 47 . RTP Payload Format for Vorbis Encoded Audio 48 . RTP profile for generic media packets 49 . Support for RTP in a stored QuickTime Movie File
2024-02-26 15:04:29 3.92MB RTSP RTCP payload
2024-02-26 10:39:58 90KB Perl
2024-02-25 21:04:09 62KB
SVN 64位windows版,里面包含 Svn服务器,SVN客户端以及SVN客户端的中文语言包。 已安装多次,很好用
2024-02-25 14:50:49 25.74MB Svn服务器 SVN客户端 SVN
2024-02-24 20:19:37 9.17MB udp