2021-10-19 17:36:14 48.78MB oracle plsql
在WINDOWS的环境下,下载了Instant Client Basic 程序包,然后创建一个子目录d:\OCI中,然后将Instant Client Basic 的oraociei10.dll 和orannzsbb10.dll 和oci.dll 解压出来放入d:\OCI中, 然后开始”->“设置”->“控制面板”->“系统”->“高级”->“环境变量编辑系统变量列表中的 PATH。将其值设置为:d:\OCI
2021-10-19 17:30:12 32.87MB oracle 10g client
Instant Client Package - Basic: All files required to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications Download instantclient-basic-win-x86-64- (35,861,905 bytes) Instant Client Package - Basic Light: Smaller version of the Basic, with only English error messages and Unicode, ASCII, and Western European character set support (10.2 only) Download instantclient-basiclite-win-x86-64- (11,745,631 bytes) Instant Client Package - JDBC Supplement: Additional support for XA, Internationalization, and RowSet operations under JDBC Download instantclient-jdbc-win-x86-64- (1,473,810 bytes) Instant Client Package - SQL*Plus: Additional libraries and executable for running SQL*Plus with Instant Client Download instantclient-sqlplus-win-x86-64- (757,169 bytes) Instant Client Package - SDK: Additional header files and an example makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client Download instantclient-sdk-win-x86-64- (795,727 bytes) Instant Client Package - ODBC: Additional libraries for enabling ODBC applications Download instantclient-odbc-win-x86-64- (744,283 bytes) Instant Client Package - orauts.dll: download and place in same directory as the instant client dlls Download orauts.dll (9728 bytes)
2021-10-19 17:24:29 34.2MB 64 官方
2021-10-18 20:06:58 45.99MB oracle instantclient deb 安装包
2021-10-18 18:00:09 49.75MB oracle
本教程介绍了机器学习(ML)的一些主要概念。从工程的角度来看,ML领域围绕着实现科学原理的软件开发: (i) 对一些现象设定一个假设(选择一个模型),(ii) 收集数据来验证假设(验证模型),(iii) 完善假设(迭代)。基于这一原理的一类重要算法是梯度下降法,它旨在迭代地细化由某个(权重)向量参数化的模型。通过结合假设空间(模型)、质量度量(损失)和模型优化(优化方法)的计算实现的不同选择,可以得到大量的ML方法。目前许多被认为是(人工)智能的系统都是基于几种基本机器学习方法的组合。在形式化ML问题的主要构建模块之后,讨论了ML方法的一些流行算法设计模式。本教程是在“机器学习:基本原理”和“人工智能”两门课程的课堂笔记基础上发起来的,这两门课程我从2015年开始在阿尔托大学(Aalto University)与人合作授课。
2021-10-18 17:12:05 3.66MB 机器学习
This is a topology book for undergraduates, and in writing I had two aims in mind. Firstly, to make sure the students sees a variety of different techniques and applications involving point set, geometric, and algebraic topology without delving too deeply into any particular area. Secondly, to develop the reader's geometrical insight; topology is after all a branch of geometry.
2021-10-16 10:11:34 29.02MB topology
本资源包含ppt课件和书上范例源程序代码和书后实验(均调试通过),比较适合帮助热爱visual Basic 6.0的爱好者学习,希望对大家有所帮助!
Visual Basic 6.0
2021-10-14 16:10:44 61.91MB VisualBasic
Oracle即时客户端instantclient-win32-官方安装包 适用环境:Windows 7/8/10 32或64位 1. 与8.0.4及以后版本的PLSQL兼容 2. 不用安装oracle软件,解压即可使用,部署快。 3. 安装包中包括了Network文件夹,有tnsname.ora模板,解压后可直接使用。 使用步骤: 1. 解压instantclient-basic-win32-,得到Network文件夹和instantclient-basic-win32-,再次解压后者得到instantclient_10_2文件夹。 2. 在创建D:\oracle文件夹,将instantclient_10_2文件夹拷入,再将Network文件夹拷入instantclient_10_2文件夹。 3. 之后在PLSQL中配置oracle home路径即可。
2021-10-14 12:25:14 32.28MB oracle