索尔普 一个和拼合为复仇的源文件。 solpp是专门为solpp设计的,这意味着它实际上了解solpp一些语法,并提供适用于Solidity原语的高精度数学和内置函数。 产品特点 通过合并所有裸露的导入来您的源文件,以便在上轻松进行合同验证。 甚至将包括URL导入及其依赖项。 简单,实用的语言,受C预处理程序指令,python和javascript启发。 使用#def指令轻松在源文件中声明符号和宏函数。 #if / #elif / #else块,用于条件代码渲染。 #for重复代码块。 用$(...)扩展(替换)或用$$(...)符号,宏和表达式在代码中的任何位置进行求值。 所
2021-02-05 11:04:27 107KB ethereum smart-contracts preprocessor solidity
现场演示 必须启用metamask(以这种方式进行,以便于检查,“ nostyle”风格) 创建的例子 主要 成员合同(所有聊天成员应在此处存储公共密钥) ChatRooms Fabric合同(所有聊天均从此处生成) 客户用例可以更改的内容 进入/批准聊天室的逻辑,创建新聊天室的逻辑(可以链接到其他对象,例如-销售物品) IPFS存储可以在某些云存储上更改-无论如何已加密) 而且设计/前端可以按您需要的任何方式进行更改-通过“无复杂的”库进行简化以方便使用,但可以是React或任何一种)
2021-02-03 01:06:20 100KB ipfs smart-contracts solidity private-chat
Plasma is a proposed framework for incentivized and enforced execution of smart contracts which is scalable to a significant amount of state updates per second (poten- tially billions) enabling the blockchain to be able to represent a significant amount of decentralized financial applications worldwide.
2021-01-28 05:08:07 705KB plasma.io
ContractFuzzer generates fuzzing inputs based on the ABI specifications of smart contracts, defines test oracles to detect security vulnerabilities, instruments the EVM to log smart contracts runtime behaviors, and analyzes these logs to report security vulnerabilities.
2021-01-28 05:07:50 1.59MB 智能合约漏洞检测
The paper outline a framework to analyze and verify both the runtime safety and the functional correctness of Solidity contracts in F*, a functional programming language aimed at program verification.
2021-01-28 05:07:10 291KB 智能合约 形式验证
Securify, a security analyzer for Ethereum smart contracts that is scalable, fully automated, and able to prove contract behaviors as safe/unsafe with respect to a given property. Securify s analysis consists of two steps. First, it symbolically analyzes the contract s dependency graph to extract pr
2021-01-28 05:07:09 1.75MB 智能合约 漏洞检测