最新第4版 The progression of 3 years between 1st and 2nd, 6 between 2nd and 3rd, and 10 between 3rd and 4th is a reflection not so much of the length of time it takes for each new edition (which has indeed steadily increased), but rather how long it takes us to forget all the stress and pain involved in making a new edition. As a data point, our Google Doc of new references since the last edition is around 170 pages long, and does not include references we could easily dismiss, nor those we ran into later when more closely reading and writing. Each page has about 20 references on it (some duplicated among chapters), about 3200 in all. In the fourth edition we added “only” 1151 new references, and deleted 508 older ones, for a final total of 2059 references (this does not include references on collision detection – more on that in a minute).
2022-06-30 16:02:36 30.26MB 计算机图形学
IEEE Standard for Industrial Hard Real-Time Communication
2022-06-22 21:03:53 11.87MB ieee
IEEE Standard for a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) for Small-Scale Embedded Systems-2018
2022-06-22 09:00:41 7.47MB RTOS
2022-06-14 22:16:39 18.12MB Tracking
物体缺陷检测仪 细节 目标操作系统: Ubuntu * 18.04 LTS 程式语言: Python * 3.6 完成时间: 30分钟 此参考实现也。 它能做什么 物体探伤仪应用程序可检测异常,例如颜色,裂纹和在传送带上移动的物体的方向。 异常被标记为有缺陷,并分别保存在颜色,裂纹,方向文件夹中。 同样,没有缺陷的对象也保存在no_defect文件夹中。 这些异常数据将发送到InfluxDB *数据库,并在Grafana *上可视化。 此应用程序还以毫米为单位测量对象的长度和宽度。 要求 Ubuntu 18.04 英特尔:registered:OpenVINO:trade_mark:工具包2020 R3发行版 Grafana * v5.3.2 InfluxDB * v1.6.2 建立 安装OpenVINO:trade_mark:工具包的英特尔:registered:发行版 有关如何安装和设置英特尔:registered:OpenVINO:trade_mark:工具包的更多信息,请参阅英特尔:registered:OpenVIN
2022-06-13 16:42:04 1.34MB machine-learning real-time video computer-vision
谷歌开源Cartographer的论文 Real-Time Loop Closure in 2D LIDAR SLAM
2022-06-09 04:10:50 1.15MB RealTime Loop Closure 2DLIDAR
Lab 3 – GPIO, SysTick and Interrupt C Programming for a real time operating system RTOS) scheduler using Keil simulator For this lab exercise you will Keil simulator (based on Nucleo-F103RB board). The objective is to understand how the SysTick as the Hardware Timer can be used to provide a periodic interrupt for a Real Time Operating System (RTOS). For simplicity purposes, the GPIO pins will be used in this exercise that represent the scheduled tasks within the RTOS. The aim is to learn
2022-06-05 19:04:28 73.17MB c语言 keil mdk 单片机
Real Time DaaS:面向TP业务的数据平台架构.pdf
2022-05-28 11:05:25 3.01MB 数据库技术 IOTE
2022-05-23 17:59:10 1.03MB uCOS-II
时间:2020年8月25日,星期二(太平洋时区) 我们的体积捕获系统使用单个RGB网络摄像头实时捕获衣服完全覆盖的人体(包括背部)。 要求 Python 3.7 PyOpenGL 3.1.5(在Ubuntu中需要X服务器) 在1.4.0上测试 我们使用2个GeForce RTX 2080Ti GPU运行该演示,内存使用情况如下(GPU1约为3.4GB,GPU2约为9.7GB): 注意:最后四个依赖项也由我们的团队开发,并且都处于活动维护状态。 如果您遇到有关这些工具的安装问题,建议您将问题提交到相应的存储库中。 (您无需在此处手动安装它们,因为它们包含在requirements.tx
2022-05-21 13:08:39 52.78MB machine-learning real-time deep-learning pytorch