The subject of integrated navigation systems covered in this book is designed for those directly involved with the design, integration, and test and evaluation of navigation systems. It is assumed that the reader has a background in mathematics, including calculus. Integrated navigation systems are the combination of an onboard navigation solution (position, velocity, and attitude.
2022-01-15 21:02:42 5.85MB INS 惯性导航
2022-01-11 19:44:04 8.09MB navigation
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Navigation systems engineering is a red-hot area. More and more technical professionals are entering the field and looking for practical, up-to-date engineering know-how. This single-source reference answers the call, providing both an introduction to overall systems operation and an in-depth treatment of architecture, design, and component integration. This book explains how satellite, on-board, and other navigation technologies operate, and it gives practitioners insight into performance issues such as processing chains and error sources. Providing solutions to systems designers and engineers, the book describes and compares different integration architectures, and explains how to diagnose errors. Moreover, this hands-on book includes appendices filled with terminology and equations for quick referencing.
2021-11-18 15:59:48 5.3MB GNSS Inertial Navigation Systems
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Sym-CTS 介绍 Sym-CTS是我的毕业设计,旨在为近阈值电压(NTV)或超低压(ULV)集成电路设计设计对称时钟树。 由于时钟缓冲器和时钟门的时序变化,在NTV上工作的电路会有很大的变化,并且时钟树的性能可能会大大降低。 对称时钟树综合(CTS)是在NTV或ULV下实现稳健时钟树设计的有效方法。 该项目当前基于Python3.7。 警告:存储库已准备好迁移到Rust版本。 Sym-CTS流程大纲 划分 施工 正在缓冲 缓冲区大小 编程原理 面向对象编程 可配置的 可重用 如何使用 准备工具 python3和3rd-party软件包:numpy,pandas,scipy gnuplo
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