2022-01-28 12:05:31 3.07MB plugin
2022-01-28 12:05:30 43.89MB plugin
2022-01-28 12:05:29 727KB plugin
INS-GNSS松散集成 惯性导航/ GNSS松散集成导航算法
2022-01-23 10:40:44 31KB MATLAB
pyinstaller打包使用pyqt5模块的时候,在win平台下,由于pyinstaller无法准确获取QT动态库文件路径,会报错导致无法打开运行程序,并提示错误信息pyinstaller failed to execute script pyi_rth_qt5plugins此时我们需要在打包的时候直接告诉pyinstaller到哪里去找,这个路径分隔符需要是unix形式: pyinstaller --paths C:/****/Python/Python35-32/Lib/site-packages/PyQt5/Qt/bin -F -w ****.py 以上这篇解决pyinstaller
2022-01-19 10:57:48 35KB al IN ins
2022-01-17 23:43:18 14.59MB cairo-dock deb
模块集成高精度的陀螺仪、 加速度计、 地磁场传感器, 采用高性能的微处理器和先进 的动力学解算与卡尔曼动态滤波算法,能够快速求解出模块当前的实时运动姿态。  采用先进的数字滤波技术,能有效降低测量噪声,提高测量精度。  模块内部集成了姿态解算器,配合动态卡尔曼滤波算法,能够在动态环境下准确输出 模块的当前姿态,姿态测量精度静态 0.05 度, 动态 0.1 度, 稳定性极高,性能甚至优 于某些专业的倾角仪!  模块内部自带电压稳定电路,工作电压 3.3v~5v,引脚电平兼容 3.3V/5V 的嵌入式系 统,连接方便。  支持串口和 IIC 两种数字接口。方便用户选择最佳的连接方式。串口速率 2400bps~921600bps 可调, IIC 接口支持全速 400K 速率。  最高 200Hz 数据输出速率。 输入内容可以任意选择, 输出速率 0.1~200HZ 可调节。  保留 4 路扩展端口,可以分别配置为模拟输入,数字输入,数字输出, PWM 输出等功 能。  具备 GPS 连接能力。可接受符合 NMEA-0183 标准的串口 GPS 数据,形成 GPS-IMU 组 合导航单元。
2022-01-17 14:41:54 4.57MB INS
The subject of integrated navigation systems covered in this book is designed for those directly involved with the design, integration, and test and evaluation of navigation systems. It is assumed that the reader has a background in mathematics, including calculus. Integrated navigation systems are the combination of an onboard navigation solution (position, velocity, and attitude.
2022-01-15 21:02:42 5.85MB INS 惯性导航
Paperback: 760 pages Publisher: Focal Press (November 24, 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: 1138787078 ISBN-13: 978-1138787070 Bridging the gap from theory to programming, Designing Software Synthesizer Plug-Ins in C++ For RackAFX, VST3 and Audio Units contains complete code for designing and implementing software synthesizers for both Windows and Mac platforms. You will learn synthesizer operation, starting with the underlying theory of each synthesizer component, and moving on to the theory of how these components combine to form fully working musical instruments that function on a variety of target digital audio workstations (DAWs). Containing some of the latest advances in theory and algorithm development, this book contains information that has never been published in textbook form, including several unique algorithms of the author’s own design. The book is broken into three parts: plug-in programming, theory and design of the central synthesizer components of oscillators, envelope generators, and filters, and the design and implementation of six complete polyphonic software synthesizer musical instruments, which can be played in real time. The instruments implement advanced concepts including a user-programmable modulation matrix. The final chapter shows you the theory and code for a suite of delay effects to augment your synthesizers, introducing you to audio effect processing. The companion website,, gives you access to free software to guide you through the application of concepts discussed in the book, and code for both Windows and Mac platforms. In addition to the software, it features bonus projects, application notes, and video tutorials. A reader forum, monitored by the author, gives you the opportunity for questions and information exchange.
2022-01-03 09:53:23 63.89MB Synthesizer C++ RackAFX VST3
首先对现存的GPs/INs组合系统中不同的时间解决方案进行了分析。然后从模块化角度出发,利用NI公司的数据采集板卡和软件Labview,通过软硬件结合的方法搭建了一种方便灵活、低成本的时间同步模块。通过实验证实,应用于市面上常见的RS-232数据接口的低精度的微机械INS传感器也可以达到5 Iris的同步精度。
2021-12-29 10:45:21 270KB 工程技术 论文