2022-04-06 01:09:43 8.76MB 金融 科技
A Survey of Image Registration Techniques (1992)
2022-03-28 22:53:09 384KB A Survey of Image
当前人口调查(CPS)是美国历史最悠久,规模最大,最知名的调查之一。除了作为每月劳动力统计数据的主要来源,CPS还用于收集其他各种研究的数据,这些研究可以使国家了解其人民的经济和社会福祉。 file/opensearch/documents/93151/data_dic.csv file/opensearch/documents/93151/cps_2016-08.csv
2022-03-27 21:22:38 18.14MB 数据集
Deep Learning for Visual Tracking A Comprehensive Survey.pdf
2022-03-03 00:47:18 8.35MB 计算机视觉 目标跟踪
无人车综述:Abstract— We survey research on self-driving cars published in the literature focusing on autonomous cars developed since the DARPA challenges, which are equipped with an autonomy system that can be categorized as SAE level 3 or higher. The architecture of the autonomy system of self-driving cars is typically organized into the perception system and the decision-making system. The perception system is generally divided into many subsystems responsible for tasks such as self-driving-car localization, static obstacles mapping, moving obstacles detection and tracking, road mapping, traffic signalization detection and recognition, among others. The decision- making system is commonly partitioned as well into many subsystems responsible for tasks such as route planning, path planning, behavior selection, motion planning, and control. In this survey, we present the typical architecture of the autonomy system of self-driving cars. We also review research on relevant methods for perception and decision making. Furthermore, we present a detailed description of the architecture of the autonomy system of the UFES’s car, IARA. Finally, we list prominent autonomous research cars developed by technology companies and reported in the media
2022-02-27 23:15:11 1.24MB 综述 无人车 自动驾驶
SurveyUs 内容 [线框] 什么是SurveyUs? SurveyUs是由的创意人员生产的旗舰应用程序。 SurveyUs分为一项调查,一部分是进行调查的冒险活动,旨在通过向用户提出棘手的问题并将回答限制为我们喜欢的答案,从而简化调查过程。 例子: 问题1 :您最喜欢的乐队是谁,为什么是滚石乐队? 答案1 :正确[] | 错误的 [ ] 通过使用SurveyUs进行注册,您可以解锁为匿名受众创建对/错调查的功能,从而可以将特定人群的总体感觉列表化。 SurveyUs :对于答案无关紧要的__(ツ)_ / 用户故事 作为未注册用户,我想使用电子邮件和密码注册。 作为注册用户,我想使用电子邮件和密码登录。 作为登录用户,我想更改密码。 作为登录用户,我想退出。 作为登录用户,我想创建一个带有标题和可能答案的调查。 作为登录用户,我想更新调查标题和调查的可能答案。
2022-02-24 17:29:11 176KB JavaScript
Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation A Survey综述
2022-01-28 09:10:57 2.05MB 深度学习 人工智能 姿态检测
2022-01-26 06:46:08 1.44MB 深度学习 异常检测
Deep Learning-Based Human Pose Estimation A Survey综述xmind版
2022-01-22 19:16:16 947KB 深度学习 人工智能 姿态检测
2022-01-06 23:29:13 1.29MB 多核