说明:一个传输系统受3个输入和只有一个服务器。 所有输入都以泊松过程为特征,服务时间遵循指数分布。
目标:探索一个能够公平地把服务分配给任何性能测量的输入的调度方案; 获得每个队列的平均队列长度,平均等待时间,队列长度分布和等待时间分布。 报告中应包括任何必要的解释和说明。
Multi-queue simulation
Description: a transmission system subject to 3 inputs and only one server. All inputs are characterized by Poisson process and the service time follows an exponential distribution.
Goal: explore a scheduling scheme which is able to allocate the service fairly to each of the input in terms of any performance measurement; obtaining the mean queue length, mean waiting time, queue length distribution and waiting time distribution for each queue. Any necessary explaination and statement should be included in the report.