统计学习理论Statistical Learning Theory - Vapnik - 1998 中文版本
2021-09-08 14:04:55 4.5MB 统计学习理论
《交通大数据理论与方法》 目录 背景 随着信息通讯技术的不断发展,各行各业都产生了海量的数据,与此同时,一门新的学科应运而生—— 数据挖掘。数据挖掘是从大量数据(包括文本数据)中挖掘出隐含的、先前未知的、对决策有潜在价值的信 息、知识和关联关系,并基于这些信息和相应规则建立可用于决策支持与优化分析的模型,提供可支持预测 性决策的方法和工具。此外,数据挖掘还可帮助企业和科研团体发现业务与学科中的新趋势,揭示已知的 事实,预测未知的结果,因此“数据挖掘”已成为其保持竞争力的必要手段。 在大数据发展的背景下,交通领域的各类大数据同样以惊人的速度产生,并被应用于各种各样的应用 场景。例如,基于手机信令数据分析城市人口分布及交通出行分布特征,从而为交通规划的进一步决策提 供量化依据;利用网约车数据分析城市路网流量,进而优化信号配时方案,提升交通控制方案的效率;利用 线圈、视频、浮动车等多源数据,实现
2021-09-08 10:20:23 870KB Python
2021-09-07 23:16:24 10.17MB 信息论
2021-09-07 23:11:53 10.1MB information theory
书好效果也很好, 1 Introduction and Preview 1 1.1 Preview of the Book 5 2 Entropy, Relative Entropy, and Mutual Information 2.1 Entropy 13 2.2 Joint Entropy and Conditional Entropy 16 2.3 Relative Entropy and Mutual Information 19 2.4 Relationship Between Entropy and Mutual Information 20 2.5 Chain Rules for Entropy, Relative Entropy, and Mutual Information 22 2.6 Jensen’s Inequality and Its Consequences 25 2.7 Log Sum Inequality and Its Applications 30 2.8 Data-Processing Inequality 34 2.9 Sufficient Statistics 35 2.10 Fano’s Inequality 37 Summary 41 Problems 43 Historical Notes 54
2021-09-07 19:49:26 10.09MB T. Cover J. Thomas
遍历性理论引论 GTM079.An.Introduction.to.Ergodic.Theory,.Peter.Walters.()
2021-09-07 15:51:26 5.23MB 遍历性理论
Fundamentals of Statistical Signal Processing Estimation Theory Steven M. Kay
2021-09-07 14:46:29 16.49MB Statistical Signal Processing Estimation
Type Theory 入门好书 Type-theory is one of the most important tools in the design of higher-level programming languages, such as ML. This book introduces and teaches its techniques by focussing on one particularly neat system and studying it in detail. In this way, all the key ideas are covered without getting involved in the complications of more advanced systems, but concentrating rather on the principles that make the theory work in practice. The mathematical presentation is rigorous but clear, making it the first book at this level which can be used as introduction to type theory for computer scientists.
2021-09-07 12:25:45 1.58MB type theory
经典教材 关于galois理论的数学名著
2021-09-07 08:35:02 1.47MB Galois theory
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2021-09-06 17:13:38 69.29MB ABAQUS THEOTY