2019 ANSYS Fluent Theory Guide.pdf
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锚定的CorEx:具有最少领域知识的分层主题建模 肺心病的关系防爆夷(COREX)是一个主题模式,产生丰富的主题,最大程度地提供信息有关的一套文件。 与其他主题模型相比,使用CorEx的优势在于,可以根据用户的需要轻松地将其作为无监督,半监督或分层的主题模型来运行。 对于半监督,CorEx允许用户通过“锚词”集成他们的领域知识。 这种集成是灵活的,并允许用户在这些单词的方向上指导主题模型。 这允许采用创新策略来促进主题表示,可分离性和方面。 更一般而言,CorEx的这种实现方式适合于聚类任何稀疏的二进制数据。 如果使用此代码,请引用以下内容: Gallagher,RJ,Reing,K.,Kale,D。和Ver Steeg,G。“。” 计算语言学协会(TACL)的交易,2017年。 入门 安装 可以通过pip安装CorEx主题模型的Python代码: pip install corex
Bruce Hapke所著Theory of Reflectance and Emittance Spectroscopy,定量遥感的著名专著之一。从事地球和行星遥感的工作者必备参考书之一。
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Elasticity is concerned with determining the strength and load carrying ability of engineering structures including buildings, bridges, cars, planes, and thousands of machine parts that most of us never see. It is especially important in the fields of mechanical, civil, aeronautical and materials engineering. Elasticity: Theory, Applications and Numerics 2e provides a concise and organized presentation and development of the theory of elasticity, moving from solution methodologies, formulations and strategies into applications of contemporary interest, including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite materials, micromechanics and computational methods. Developed as a text for a one or two-semester graduate elasticity course, this new edition is the only elasticity text to provide coverage in the new area of non-homogenous, or graded, materal behavior. End of chapter exercises throughout the book are fully incorporated with the use of MATLAB software. Key Features: * Provides a thorough yet concise introduction to general elastic theory and behavior * Demonstrates numerous applications in areas of contemporary interest including fracture mechanics, anisotropic/composite and graded materials, micromechanics, and computational methods * The only current elasticity text to incorporate MATLAB into its extensive end-of-chapter exercises * The book's organization makes it well-suited for a one or two semester course in elastictiy Features New to the Second Edition: * First elasticity text to offer a chapter on non-homogenous, or graded, material behavior * New appendix on review of undergraduate mechanics of materials theory to make the text more self-contained * 355 end of chapter exercises - 30% NEW to this edition
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