practical4-wieder CESM_CLM5.0模型单点模拟singlepoint及spinup
2021-10-22 09:00:55 11.87MB cesm clm5.0
practical1-Running CLM & Basic analysis-lombardozzi CESM_CLM5.0模型起始入门
2021-10-22 09:00:54 17.11MB cesm clm5.0
2021-10-20 14:35:27 2.09MB 采样控制 最优 现代
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Software Engineering of Embedded and Real-Time Systems Chapter 2 Embedded Systems Hardware/Software Co-Development Chapter 3 Software Modeling for Embedded Systems Chapter 4 Software Design Architecture and Patterns for Embedded Systems Chapter 5 Real-Time Building Blocks: Events and Triggers Chapter 6 Hardware’s Interface to Embedded Software Chapter 7 Embedded Software Programming and Implementation Guidelines Chapter 8 Embedded Operating Systems Chapter 9 Software Reuse By Design in Embedded Systems Chapter 10 Software Performance Engineering for Embedded Systems Chapter 11 Optimizing Embedded Software for Performance Chapter 12 Optimizing Embedded Software for Memory Chapter 13 Optimizing Embedded Software for Power Chapter 14 Human Factors and User Interface Design for Embedded Systems Chapter 15 Embedded Software Quality, Integration and Testing Techniques Chapter 16 Software Development Tools for Embedded Systems Chapter 17 Multicore Software Development for Embedded Systems Chapter 18 Safety-Critical Software Development Chapter 19 Intellectual Property Chapter 20 Managing Embedded Software Development Chapter 21 Agile Development for Embedded Systems Chapter 22 Embedded Software for Automotive Applications Chapter 23 Programming for I/O and Storage Chapter 24 Embedded Software for Networking Applications Chapter 25 Linux for Embedded Systems
2021-10-20 14:12:47 31.53MB embedded
~ This book (known as CS:APP) is for computer scientists, computer engineers, and others who want to be able to write better programs by learning what is going on "under the hood'" of.a computer systefn. Our aim'is to explain the enduring concepts underlying all computer systenls, and to show you the cohcrete ways that these ideas affect the correctn'ess;perfSr- mance,'lmd utility of your application programs.'Mlmy systems bobks are1\vritten from a builder's perspective, describing how to implement the hardware or th'e sys- tems software, inC!uding the operating system, compiler, and network·iiltefface. Thisbook is wrihen from"a progr'dmme""' pefspective,'describing how application programmers can use their knowledge of a system to write better programs.'Of course, learning what a system i§ supposed to do provide&.a good first step in learn- ing how to build one,'so this book also serves as a· valuable introduction to those who go on to iinplemeht systems hardware and soffware. Most systems books also tend to focus on just one aspect of the system, for example, the•hardware archi- tecture: the operating system, the compiler, or the "network. Tiiis book" spans all of·these aspects,' with !lie unifying theme of aprogranfmer's perspective. If you·study ancl-learh>.the-concepts-in-this-!:mok~you-.wiU1:le"on·yoni-wzj>'tcr--- becoming the 'rare power progranimer'who knows how things work'and how io fix them when tbey'bteak. You will·be able to write programs that·make•better use of the'caP,abiij(ies provided by theloperating systeni'and systellis software, that operate 'correctly across'1i wicte' range of operating conditibhs and run'.-t:llne parameters,' that run faster, and that avoid the flaws that make·ptogramS vu!Iler- able t'6 cybefatt'ack-. You will be prepared to delve deeper into 'advanced topics sucn as conipilers;'c6mputer architecture, 'operating sy~tems, embedded systems, networking, and cybersecurity.
2021-10-20 09:02:32 17.69MB computer sys
电力系统优化 这些课程材料是由和共同开发的,用于介绍应用于电力系统的约束优化模型。 在2020年秋季,这些材料将用于: 能源系统工程的优化方法(燃烧高级主题I)[普林斯顿] MAE 207电力系统建模(工程科学主题)[加州大学圣地亚哥分校] 描述 本课程将教学生受限的优化问题和相关的解决方法,如何使用 / 实施和应用线性和混合整数线性程序来解决此类问题,以及此类技术在能源系统工程中的实际应用。 该课程将首先向学生介绍约束优化问题的理论和数学,并简要介绍线性规划,包括问题形成和求解算法。 接下来,为了积累能源系统工程优化方法的动手经验,本课程将向学生介绍电力系统规划和运营中的几个规范问题,包括:经济调度,机组承诺,最佳网络潮流和容量规划。 最后,提供了一些现实的电力系统数据集,学生将在为课程项目建立模型时使用这些数据集来回答特定的电力系统问题。 笔记本电脑 家庭作业 项目 -(有
2021-10-19 14:06:02 30.24MB 系统开源
使用 Tekton Pipelines 和 Triggers 自动交付应用程序,以更快、更有效地部署新版本 主要特点 了解如何使用 CI/CD 工具创建强大的管道 了解如何直接在云原生环境中运行、部署和测试应用程序 探索 Tekton Pipelines 2021 的新功能 Tekton 是一个强大而灵活的 Kubernetes 原生开源框架,用于创建持续集成和持续交付 (CI/CD) 系统。它使您能够跨多个云提供商或本地系统构建、测试和部署。 使用 Tekton 构建 CI/CD 系统涵盖了在云原生环境中开始构建管道和自动化应用程序交付所需了解的一切。通过动手实践,您将了解基本构建块,例如任务、管道和工作区,您可以使用它们来组成 CI/CD 管道。随着您的进步,您将了解如何将这些 Tekton 对象与 Tekton Triggers 结合使用,以在 Kubernetes 集群中自动交付您的应用程序。 在本书结束时,您将学习如何组合 Tekton Pipelines 并将它们与 Tekton Triggers 结合使用以构建强大的 CI/CD 系统。
2021-10-18 17:10:46 10.71MB ci/cd kubernetes tekton
2021-10-18 17:02:12 38.6MB 与项目紧耦合的系统工程 AirForce MBSE
Wireless Optical Communication Systems addresses the problem of designing efficient signalling and provides a link between the areas of communication theory and modem design for amplitude constrained linear optical intensity channel. Topics include historical perspective, channel impairments, amplitude constraints and the characteristics of popular optoelectronic components. A variety of wireless optical channel topologies are presented along with a survey and analysis of present day signalling techniques employed for these channels. The author provides a unifying framework for signalling design which allows the channel constraints to be represented geometrically and permits the use of modem design principles from electrical channels. Modulation schemes are designed using the formalism of lattice codes and a design process for signalling sets is specified.
2021-10-17 23:10:02 6.98MB WOC FSO
Operating Systems Three Easy Pieces.pdf
2021-10-17 09:49:52 5.18MB Operating Systems Three Easy