Embedded Computer Systems Architectures, Modeling, and Simulation
2021-11-07 17:40:26 7.28MB embedd
Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook
2021-11-06 21:51:43 7.58MB Automotive
AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 11.0 with Data Disc AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 11.0 with Data Disc AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 11.0 with Data Disc
2021-11-04 22:35:01 243B AGI  STK  11 破解版
分布式高并发商品秒杀系统设计 介绍 本项目为另一个项目的分布式改进版本,DIS-秒杀意为:秒杀分布,即分布式秒杀系统。 商品秒杀与其他业务最大的区别在于: 低廉价格; 杰出推广 瞬间售空; 一般是定时上架; 时间短,瞬时并发量高,网络的流量也会瞬间变大。 除了具有以上特点,秒杀商品还需要完成正常的电子商务逻辑,即:(1)查询商品;(2)创建订单;(3)扣减库存;(4)更新订单;(5)付款;(6 )卖家发货。 本项目正是基于上述业务特点进行设计的,在项目中约会多个优化手段,使系统可以从容应对秒杀场景下的业务处理。 另外,项目为单体应用,在大并发高层下处理能力有限,所以本项目进行进行改造,对任务进
2021-11-04 20:49:42 1.34MB java redis distributed-systems spring-boot
cse291网络系统 UCSD CSE 291的课程项目-研究生网络系统 进步: 建立一个Web服务器 SurfStore:类似DropBox的存储服务
基于深度学习的毫米波系统的信道估计和混合预编码 将“ matlab”和“ python”文件夹放在根目录中 “ matlab”文件夹包含传统的HBF算法,信道估计算法和数据生成代码。 “ python”文件包含已定义的神经网络模型和经过训练的模型。 如果要直接测试HBF-Net和CE-HBF-Net,则可以 运行“ matlab / channel_gen.m”以生成测试通道。 运行“ matlab / gen_testdata.m”以生成测试数据集 您也可以单击(提取代码:om9r)下载数据集,而无需生成新的测试数据集。 训练后的模型保存在“ python / model”中。 在测试模式(train_flag = 0)下运行“ python / main.py”,可以测试HBF-Net和CE-HBF-Net的性能。 如果您想对HBF-Net和CE-HBF-Net进行再培训,则可以
2021-11-04 15:10:33 32.42MB MATLAB
Renewable and Efficient Electric Power Systems (Gilbert Masters)
2021-11-01 20:58:53 12.41MB Renewable and Efficient Electric
机器人,机械类书籍,很好! 书中详细的介绍了机器人相关知识,同时也是机械类的一本好书!
2021-11-01 20:34:31 25.47MB Robotic, Mechanical
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World Sixth Edition John W. Satzinger, Robert B. Jackson, Stephen D. Burd
2021-10-30 15:35:33 40.66MB Systems Analysis and Design
Covering all the essential components of Unix/Linux, including process management, concurrent programming, timer and time service, file systems and network programming, this textbook emphasizes programming practice in the Unix/Linux environment. Systems Programming in Unix/Linux is intended as a textbook for systems programming courses in technically-oriented Computer Science/Engineering curricula that emphasize both theory and programming practice. The book contains many detailed working example programs with complete source code. It is also suitable for self-study by advanced programmers and computer enthusiasts. Systems programming is an indispensable part of Computer Science/Engineering education. After taking an introductory programming course, this book is meant to further knowledge by detailing how dynamic data structures are used in practice, using programming exercises and programming projects on such topics as C structures, pointers, link lists and trees.
2021-10-30 01:44:43 8.55MB Linux