内含Mentor Graphics ModelSim SE 10.4软件的百度云链接及破解文件和破解过程。 win7和win10亲测可以。
2019-12-21 19:54:03 619KB ModelSim
计算机图形学是一个成功的技术故事。它的基本理念,表达方式,算法和硬件实现诞生于20世纪60-70年代,并在随后的20年间发展。在20世纪90年代中期,计算机图形技术已经相当成熟,但是其影响仍旧只是局限于某些"高端"程序,例如超级计算机上的科学可视化以及昂贵的飞行模拟器。现在的我们很难相信,但是在那个年代,很多计算机科学专业的学生对3D计算机图形一无所知! 近几十年来,计算机图形的商业性有了巨大发展。每一个现代PC都能够产生高质量的计算机生成图像,大部分是以视频游戏以及虚拟现实环境的形式。整个动画工业已经从其高端(例如Pixar电影)转移到了孩子们的电视机前。对于实拍电影,视觉特效领域也已经发生了翻天覆地的变化。当今的观众们也不会在看到不可思议的计算机特效时感到畏惧——这已经在预期当中了。 在本书中,我们将会介绍计算机图形技术中基础的数学与算法。我们使用编程API(applications programming interface)OpenGL来完成其中的内容。OpenGL是一个跨平台的图形编程环境,可以用于创建实时图形程序,例如视频游戏。
2019-12-21 19:53:36 68B 图形学 OpenGL
Fluid Simulation for Computer Graphics, Second Edition, 第二版,高清完整带书签
2019-12-21 19:52:36 9.18MB 高清 书签 流体
Fletcher would like to thank his wife, A’me, who endured the absolute eternity that it took to produce this book, and his general tendency to generate lots of interesting ideas for large-scale projects that are initiated and then dropped a quarter of the way through. (No more gigantic projects for at least two or three weeks, I promise!) Ian would like to thank his wife and children for not whining too loudly, and Fletcher for putting up with his procrastination. He would also like to thank Douglas Adams for the herring sandwich scoop, the bowl of petunias, and countless other references to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy trilogy that you will find in this book. Mike Pratcher gets a very huge thanks for his detailed and knowledgable critique, and for writing a very large portion of the exercises. Matt Carter made the robot and kitchen and agreed to numerous requests to pose the robot one way or another. Thanks to Glenn Gamble for the dead sheep. Eric Huang created the cover illustration and all other 2D artwork that required any artistic talent whatsoever. (The authors made the rest.) Pavel Krajcevski provided helpful criticism.
2019-12-21 19:51:58 18.88MB math 3d graphics
This book surveys computer algorithms and programming techniques for specifying and generating motion for graphical objects, that is, computer animation. It is primarily concerned with three-dimensional (3D) computer animation. The main audience is advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate students in Computer Science. Computer graphics programmers who want to learn the basics of computer animation programming and artists who use software packages to generate computer animation (digital animators) who want to better understand the underlying computational issues of animation software will also benefit from this book.
2019-12-21 19:51:58 17.18MB math 3d graphics mathematics
2019-12-21 19:51:21 21KB graphics
Computer graphics with opengl 4th edition 计算机图形学 第四版原版 作者: (美)Donald Hearn M. Pauline Baker Warren R. Carithers 译者: 蔡士杰 杨若瑜
2019-12-21 19:42:54 15.63MB OpenGL 计算机图形 图像
3d 数学入门教程,由浅入深 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development 2nd
2019-12-21 19:35:51 33.48MB 3dmath
2019-12-21 19:35:28 3KB java 画图,Graphics
2019-12-21 19:32:43 597B graphics 随笔画程序 c语言