Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Fourth Edition (Advances in Applied Mathematics) by Dean G. Duffy 2016 | ISBN: 1498739644 | English | 1004 pages | PDF | 24 MB Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB, Fourth Edition builds upon three successful previous editions. It is written for today’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) student. Three assumptions under lie its structure: (1) All students need a firm grasp of the traditional disciplines of ordinary and partial differential equations, vector calculus and linear algebra. (2) The modern student must have a strong foundation in transform methods because they provide the mathematical basis for electrical and communication studies. (3) The biological revolution requires an understanding of stochastic (random) processes. The chapter on Complex Variables, positioned as the first chapter in previous editions, is now moved to Chapter 10. The author employs MATLAB to reinforce concepts and solve problems that require heavy computation. Along with several updates and changes from the third edition, the text continues to evolve to meet the needs of today’s instructors and students.
2021-09-15 15:16:33 23.76MB Advanced Engineering Mathematics MATLAB
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Programming Language Pragmatics, Fourth Edition is the most comprehensive programming language textbook available today. It is distinguished and acclaimed for its integrated treatment of language design and implementation, with an emphasis on integration that is supported by a central focus on programming language design., The book provides readers with a solid foundation for understanding the most important issues driving software development today, and this l atest edition is complete with new material and numerous updates, including added content on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, and new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures., Provides new material on interpretation, including expanded coverage of OCaml, Contains new material on interpretation, expanded coverage of OCaml, new chapters devoted to type systems and composite types, reworked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, New chapters are devoted to type systems and composite types, Includes updated and re-worked coverage of overloading, coercion, and polymorphism, Presents new examples featuring the ARM and x86 64-bit architectures
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光的光子量子统计可以通过高阶相干来显示。 基于双重Banbury Brown Twiss(HBT)方案,研究了各种量子态的四阶相干,包括Pock态,相干态,热态和压缩真空态。 分析结果是通过综合考虑整体效率和背景而得出的。
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This updated and reorganized fourth edition of Software Testing: A Craftsman's Approach applies the strong mathematics content of previous editions to a coherent treatment of Model-Based Testing for both code-based (structural) and specification-based (functional) testing. These techniques are extended from the usual unit testing discussions to full coverage of less understood levels integration and system testing.  The Fourth Edition: Emphasizes technical inspections and is supplemented by an appendix with a full package of documents required for a sample Use Case technical inspection Introduces an innovative approach that merges the Event-Driven Petri Nets from the earlier editions with the "Swim Lane" concept from the Unified Modeling Language (UML) that permits model-based testing for four levels of interaction among constituents in a System of Systems Introduces model-based development and provides an explanation of how to conduct testing within model-based development environments Presents a new section on methods for testing software in an Agile programming environment Explores test-driven development, reexamines all-pairs testing, and explains the four contexts of software testing Thoroughly revised and updated, Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, Fourth Edition is sure to become a standard reference for those who need to stay up to date with evolving technologies in software testing. Carrying on the tradition of previous editions, it will continue to serve as a valuable reference for software testers, developers, and engineers.
2021-08-19 03:23:15 3.17MB 软件 测试