线控制动系统主要由3部分组成: 接收单元。包括制动踏板、踏板行程传感器等。 制动控制器(ECU)。ECU接收制动踏板发出的信号,控制制动器制动;接收驻车制动信号,控制驻车制动;接收车轮传感器信号,识别车轮是否抱死、打滑等;控制车轮制动力,实现防抱死和驱动防滑,并兼顾其它系统的控制。 执行单元。包括电制动器或液压制动器等。
2021-11-28 14:54:45 9.97MB automotive line control
2021-11-12 14:03:35 717KB 车载以太网
MAAB(Mathworks Automotive AdvisoryBoard)是制定Matlab,Simulink,Stateflow以及Emmbedded Coder使用规范的组织。MAAB控制算法建模规范正式这个组织的重要的输出物,主要适用于汽车行业的基于模型的控制策略开发。
2021-11-08 15:10:54 1.64MB MAAB matlab simulink
Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook
2021-11-06 21:51:43 7.58MB Automotive
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2021-10-26 18:02:08 6.33MB 车载以太网 测试 TC8
fpd-link3 介绍
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Handbook for Robustness Validation of Automotive
2021-10-18 22:02:50 21.91MB sae j1211 2012
Title: The Automotive Chassis Volume 1 Components Design Author(s): Giancarlo Genta, L. Morello Series: Mechanical Engineering Series Year: 2009 Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 633\633 ISBN: 1402086741, 978-1-4020-8674-8 The aim of the book is to be a reference book in automotive technology, as far as automotive chassis (i.e. everything that is inside a vehicle except the engine and the body) is concerned. The book is a result of a decade of work heavily sponsored by the FIAT group (who supplied material, together with other automotive companies, and sponsored the work). The first volume deals with the design of automotive components and the second volume treats the various aspects of the design of a vehicle as a system. Table of contents : About the Authors Foreword Preface Acknowledgments List of Symbols Structures and Mechantsms Introduction to Part I Historical Evolution Wheels and Tires Suspensions Steering System Braking System Control Systems Chassis Structures Transmission Driveline, Introduction to Part H, Historical Evolution Manual Gearboxes Shifting Mechanisms Start-Up Devices Synchronizers Differentials and Final Drives Shafts and Joints Automatic Gearboxes Design and Testing References of Volume I Index
2021-10-15 23:03:19 53.65MB Automotive C Components D
Automotive Embedded Systems Handbook
2021-10-12 23:26:38 7.59MB automotive embedded systems