Wind行业分类标准 20170301 版, 11 个一级行业,24个二级行业, 69 个三级行业,161四级行业 包含行业介绍、调整历史、以及多种组合形式的,方便导出 csv、组成 字典等
2021-07-12 15:22:36 227KB wind industry 行业 excel
2021-03-25 09:11:04 55.15MB IGS OPC Server Client
金融行业业务本体,用于定义和描述金融服务行业的业务和商务概念的一个工业参考标准,由对象管理组(OMG,Object Management Group)发布。
2021-02-19 14:27:35 783KB 金融 本体 建模
通过TCP协议,传送具有可变消息长度的数据 - ID_ 19033929 - Industry Support Siemens.html
2021-02-09 18:00:14 227KB 西门子
2020-02-06 03:02:36 18.85MB digitalization transform methology industry
Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has become one of the most talked about industrial business concepts in recent years. However, Industry 4.0 and the IIoT are often presented at a high level by consultants who are presenting from a business perspective to executive clients, which means the underlying technical complexity is irrelevant. Consultants focus on business models and operational efficiency, which is very attractive, where financial gains and new business models are readily understandable to their clients. Unfortunately, these presentations often impress and invigorate executives, who see the business benefits but fail to reveal to the client the technical abstraction of the lower-layer complexity that underpin the Industrial Internet.
2019-12-21 22:26:26 5.95MB IoT Industry
Multimedia Systems Algorithms, Standards, and Industry Practices 多媒体系统:算法、标准和产业
2019-12-21 20:05:08 10.21MB 多媒体
SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition by Jack Shostak English | 2014 | ISBN: 1612906044 | 308 pages | PDF | 14 MB This comprehensive resource provides on-the-job training for statistical programmers who use SAS in the pharmaceutical industry. This one-stop resource offers a complete review of what entry- to intermediate-level statistical programmers need to know in order to help with the analysis and reporting of clinical trial data in the pharmaceutical industry. SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Second Edition begins with an introduction to the pharmaceutical industry and the work environment of a statistical programmer. Then it gives a chronological explanation of what you need to know to do the job. It includes information on importing and massaging data into analysis data sets, producing clinical trial output, and exporting data. This edition has been updated for SAS 9.4, and it features new graphics as well as all new examples using CDISC SDTM or ADaM model data structures. Whether you're a novice seeking an introduction to SAS programming in the pharmaceutical industry or a junior-level programmer exploring new approaches to problem solving, this real-world reference guide offers a wealth of practical suggestions to help you sharpen your skills.
2019-12-21 20:00:53 13.89MB sas