2021-10-25 10:57:54 49KB uc/os_ii
2021-10-24 16:01:38 4.64MB UCOS III iar
2021-10-24 13:10:26 69KB uCOS-II ATmega128 嵌入式
嵌入式实时操作系统uCOS-II》(第二版)pdf电子书 及配套光盘,源码
2021-10-22 16:47:48 2.19MB uCOS pdf 源码
2021-10-21 21:08:46 89.48MB 嵌入式 C语言 ucos
µC/FS µC/FS is a compact, reliable, high-performance file system. It offers full-featured file and directory access with flexible device and volume management including support for partitions. Source Code: µC/FS is provided in ANSI-C source to licensees. The source code is written to an exacting coding standard that emphasizes cleanness and readability. Moreover, extensive comments pepper the code to elucidate its logic and describe global variables and functions. Where appropriate, the code directly references standards and supporting documents. Device Drivers: Device drivers are available for most common media including SD/MMC cards, NAND flash, NOR flash. Each of these is written with a clear, layered structure so that it can easily be ported to your hardware. The device driver structure is simple—basically just initialization, read and write functions—so that µC/FS can easily be ported to a new medium. Devices and Volumes: Multiple media can be accessed simultaneously, including multiple instances of the same type of medium (since all drivers are re-entrant). DOS partitions are supported, so more than one volume can be located on a device. In addition, the logical device driver allows a single volume to span several (typically identical) devices, such as a bank of flash chips. FAT: All standard FAT variants and features are supported including FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 and long file names, which encompasses Unicode file names. Files can be up to 4-GB and volumes up to 8-TB (the standard maximum). An optional journaling module provides total power fail-safety to the FAT system driver. Application Programming Interface (API): µC/FS provides two APIs for file and directory access. A proprietary API with parallel argument placement and meaningful return error codes is provided, with functions like FSFile_Wr(), FSFile_Rd() and FSFile_PosSet(). Alternatively, a standard POSIX-like API is provided, including functions like fs_fwrite(), fs_fread() and fs_fsetpos
2021-10-19 17:15:36 719KB uCOS uCFS uC/FS Micrium
uC/OS-III是一个可扩展的,可固化的,抢占式的实时内核,它管 理的任务个数不受限制。它是第三代内核,提供了现代实时内核所期 望的所有功能包括资源管理、同步、内部任务交流等。uC/OS-III也 提供了很多特性是在其他实时内核中所没有的。比如能在运行时测量 运行性能,直接得发送信号或消息给任务,任务能同时等待多个信号 量和消息队列。
2021-10-18 21:57:56 5.31MB UCOS III 手册
uCOS-III 出现了,网上没有在IAR下的工程,折腾了几天,移植了一个。在stm32f103vct开发板测试成功。
2021-10-18 20:36:22 1.17MB IAR STM32 uCOS-III
2021-10-18 17:03:19 196.69MB 单片机 嵌入式 STM32 uCOSII