.net core 6.0 webapi Resful风格; 采用仓储+服务+接口的形式封装框架; 基于AOP切面的Redis缓存; 使用 Swagger 做api文档; 使用 Automapper 处理对象映射; 使用 AutoFac 做依赖注入容器,并提供批量服务注入; 支持 CORS 跨域; 封装 JWT 自定义策略授权; 接入国产数据库ORM组件 —— SqlSugar,封装数据库操作; 基于log4net的全局异常处理; 自定义全局消息返回格式; 可配合 Docker 实现容器化; 可配合 Jenkins 实现CI / CD; 可配合 Nginx 实现负载均衡;
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If you want to improve responsiveness or the UX in your ASP.NET applications, JavaScript can be a life saver. In an age where server-side operations have shifted to the client, being able to handle JavaScript with confidence and fluency is vital for ASP.NET developers. There’s no point trying to fight it, so start learning with this book. Make sure your projects exceed user expectations. Begin by getting stuck into the basics of JavaScript, and explore the language in the context of ASP.NET Core. You’ll then find out how to put the principles into practice, as you learn how to develop a basic ASP.NET application using Angular 2 and TypeScript. You’ll also develop essential skills required to develop responsive apps, with a little help from AJAX, ensuring that you’re building projects that can be easily accessed across different devices. With guidance on Node.js and some neat techniques to test and debug a range of JavaScript libraries in Visual Studio, you’ll soon be well on your way to combining JavaScript with ASP.NET in a way that’s capable of meeting the challenges of modern web development head-on. What you will learn Get to grips with the basic to advanced concepts of JavaScript Learn how to use JavaScript on server side using Node.js Develop web applications in ASP.NET using JavaScript Get to know with industry-wide best practices and design patterns that provide maintainability and scalability Build an ASP.NET application using Angular 2 with TypeScript and Web API Explore WinJS and see how to use mobile capabilities from web applications Use JavaScript to develop scalable ASP.NET applications See how to test and debug JavaScript
2023-06-14 00:19:39 5.98MB JavaScript for .NET Developers