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数值计算(c/c++)的好书: Review 'The author's engaging writing style makes this a very enjoyable book. Each topic starts with interesting observational material, then goes to a discussion of the physical concepts, amplified by mathematics, and very good figures, and then ties it up by finishing with more observational applications, either solving the problem posed at the beginning of the chapter or presenting new ones. This is a perfect book for seniors.' - Marc L. Kutner, author of Astronomy: A Physical Perspective 'A lucid introduction to a selection of basic topics in astronomy, explaining the physics behind the astrophysics. Radiative processes are treated with just the right level of rigor that students learn how to carry out useful computations while developing their physical intuition. I have successfully used portions of this book for my first-year graduate class.' - Eugene Chiang, Associate Professor of Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley Review of Astronomy Methods, also by Hale Bradt: '... a brilliant addition to the pedagogy. It is timely, focused, well written, and at the appropriate level ... Astronomy Methods will be useful to all students of astronomy and astrophysics, irrespective of whether they intend to specialize in observational astronomy. The material can be adapted easily for various related courses, which makes the book even more valuable.' - Physics Today
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