Linear Algebra and Its Applications (Pearson 4ed 2012) By David.C Lay
2021-10-10 13:15:25 3.44MB 线代 线性代数 Linear Algebra
Gilbert_Strang-Linear_Algebra_and_Its_Applications_4ed 课后答案
2021-10-10 12:23:13 1.55MB 矩阵论
本书全面介绍了经典的和现代的网络流技术,包括综合的理论、算法与应用。主要内容包括:路径、树与周期,算法设计与分析,最大流与最小流算法,分派与匹配,最小生成树,拉格朗日松弛与网络优化等。书中包含大量练习题,拓展了本书的内容,便于教学。    本书特点:    深入介绍功能强大的算法策略和分析工具,如数据缩放和势函数变量。    讨论有关网络优化的重要主题及实际解决方案,如拉格朗日松弛法。    包括广泛的文献注解,提供宝贵的历史背景和指导。    包含800多道难度不一的练习题。
2021-10-09 16:13:41 14.22MB Network flows Ahuja 网络流
2021-10-07 09:19:38 8.56MB 线性代数 算法
凌力尔特模拟电路设计手册 【分卷1】(英文版)- 应用及解决方案指南丛书,Analog Circuit Design Volume 1 - A tutorial guide to applications and solutions 2011 Edited by Bob Dobkin Jim Williams
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Stefano Mattoccia 的讲义 Stereo Vision: algorithms and applications 对于立体匹配的介绍和常见匹配算法的比较,214页的ppt,讲解得非常形象详尽。
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The performance of the proposed control strategy for power flow management under various modes of operation. The effectiveness of the topology and the efficacy of the proposed control strategy are validated proposed system aims to satisfy the load demand
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2021-10-03 10:22:50 12.47MB plasmonics
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-30 16:13:52 3.27MB Error Control Coding
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-30 16:13:42 9.02MB Error Control Coding