Network Flows - Theory, Algorithms, And Applications (全部840页) 网络流:理论、算法与应用 英文版,很精典的书籍,找了很久,和大家分享 网络流的经典书籍,已经绝版,在所有网站都买不到了,很艰难才找到的!请各位爱好者支持下
2021-09-27 23:14:37 19.01MB 网络流理论
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications 机器视觉算法与应用 作者Richard Szeliski 2010 文字版,可编辑
2021-09-24 15:36:40 22.58MB Computer Vision
复变函数与应用 第九版 英文版 作者: [美]詹姆斯·沃德·布朗 等 (中文版 当当上有卖)
2021-09-24 11:33:38 13.09MB 复变函数
Complex Variables and Applications
2021-09-24 11:30:36 4.33MB Complex Variables
Blazek 经典CFD教材第二版,有限体积法,深入浅出,入门好教材
2021-09-22 20:37:07 26.31MB CFD Blazek
Hands-On Spring Security 5 for Reactive Applications 2018年8月出版
2021-09-22 18:47:05 16.59MB Spring 5 Spring secur
社会网络分析经典书籍,英文版,作者Wasserman and Faust。全面深入介绍了社会网络分析的技术细节。
2021-09-21 01:55:15 3.73MB SNS 经典 英文
Mathematical Statistics with Applications 英文版
2021-09-19 17:24:28 5.13MB 数理统计 英文版
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-18 21:04:44 9.02MB Error Control Coding
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes and concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.
2021-09-18 21:01:00 9.02MB Error Control Coding