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iPod+Authentication+Coprocessor+Spec+2.0C+R1Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Overview 7 Authentication protocol 7 Terminology Used in This Document 8 General Specification Terms 9 s Related documents 9 Chapter 2 Signal Descriptions and Reference Circuit 11 CP Signals and Pinouts 11 Address selection 12 Reference circuit 12 Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration and Interface 13 System Voltage/ 13 Startup of the 12C Interface/13 Starting Up the cp by turning power on /13 Starting Up the Cp by Warm Reset 14 Communication Process15/ Low-Power Sleep Mode-16 Chapter 4 Coprocessor Registers 17 Register Addresses 17 Register Descriptions 19 Device version 19 Firmware version 19 Authentication Protocol Major and Minor Versions 20 Device iD 20 Error Code 20 Authentication Control and status 21 Signature Data Length 22 Signature Data 22 hallenge Data Length 23 Challenge data 23 Accessory Certificate Data Length 23 Accessory Certificate Data 23 Self- Test Control and status 23 System Event Counter 24 Apple Device Certificate Data Lengt 3 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS Apple device certificate data 25 Chapter 5 Authentication Data flows 27 Apple Device Authentication of Accessory 27 Accessory Authentication of the Apple Device 28 Chapter 6 12C Communication Protocol 31 Slave selection and reset 31 s Coprocessor Busy. 31 Writing to the Coprocessor 31 Reading from the Coprocessor 32 Chapter 7 CP Device Characteristics 33 Physical Configuration 33 Maximum Environmental Conditions 33 Recommended Operating Conditions 34 12C Interface Characteristics 34 DC Electrical Characteristics 34 Timing Characteristics 35 ppendix a Coprocessor 2.0B to 2.0C Migration Guide 37(Ay Only 12C Communication Protocol 37 Increased SCL Speed 37 Shorter Reset Cycle 37 Warm Reset Supported 37 Automatic Sleep State Entry and Exit 38 NACK Responses Replace Clock Stretching 38 Shorter Accessory Certificate Data 38 System Event Counter Must Be Zero Betore Power-Down 38 Document Revisio
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