android开发基础应用程序——利用Android Studio开发一个简易计算器
2023-03-24 14:22:40 15.79MB android
Beginning C# 6.0 Programming with Visual Studio 2015 英文无水印原版pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader、PDF-XChangeViewer、SumatraPDF和Firefox测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
2023-03-21 18:25:18 9.48MB Beginning C# 6.0 Programming
2023-03-20 16:26:30 118KB IDEA
Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster版C/C++ Fortran编译器,是一种主要针对Inetl平台的高性能编译器,可用于开发复杂且要进行大量计算的C/C++、Fortran程序。 Intel编译器编译C和C++源程序的编译命令分别为`icc`和`icpc`;编译Fortran源程序的命令为`ifort`。`icpc`命令使用与`icc`命令相同的编译器选项,利用`icpc`编译时将后缀为.c和.i的文件看作为C++文件;而利用`icc`编译时将后缀为.c和.i的文件则看作为C文件。用`icpc`编译时,总会链接C++库;而用`icc`编译时,只有在编译命令行中包含C++源文件时才链接C++库。 在Intel数学库(Intelmath)中的许多函数针对Intel微处理器相比针对非Intel微处理器做了非常大的优化处理。
2023-03-20 14:42:20 575.87MB Intel编译器 LINUX_Centos7 icc/icpc/ifort HPC
DkZ Studio: - Fixed Link to rebuild function (save as...) in help bar. DataBase Editor: - Added WE/PES PC compatibility. - Added editionf of build faces, body, accesories, uniform... - Added function for export the hole DataBase. - Import DataBase is customizable, selecting the things that you want to import. - Import DataBase check player by Shirt Names and nationality for got the correct players. - Import Database make automatic trasfers when it import team squads. - Added the selecting skills in Global Editor. - Added the "by nationality" and "free players" in transfers window. - Added Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete for players (right click). - Added Shirt No. checking when transfers, got even the correct players Shirt No. if the palyer haven't or the ShirtNo. is occupied then assign a new one. - Modify the Global Editor, it's now in Players windows, and modify the players showed in the list. - Modify the players filter for got more filters combinations. - Fixed the got captain/kickers with licenses. - Fixed the team names (exporting teams) when it have utf-8 chars.
2023-03-19 21:39:22 5.81MB DkZ_Studio.
Visual Studio 2017 正式版中英文离线安装包本地下载 26 of 26
2023-03-19 13:51:52 378.32MB 2017
Qt 5.0.2及qt-vs-addin-1.2.1之Visual Studio 2012配置小结。配置环境为Windows 7 x64系统。
2023-03-18 11:49:37 473KB qt qt-vs-addin vs2012 win7
android studio 好看的主题在这里!
2023-03-17 14:34:39 210KB AS
安卓手机NFC读取非接触式IC卡中的信息的源码 支持ISO7816-4、Felica智能卡,用来读取电子钱包(主要是公交卡)、电子现金(如闪付卡)账户中没有设置读取限制的有效期、脱机余额、交易记录。 已经确认可以读出的卡片有:深圳通(新版)、上海公交卡、香港八达通、北京市政一卡通(新版)、长安通、武汉城市一卡通、银联闪付卡、交通联合卡(含电子现金)、城市一卡通互联互通卡。
2023-03-17 09:15:53 4.85MB nfc android NFC
Bootstrap Studio是一款基于Bootstrap框架打造的于创建响应式网站的网页设计工具,软件可以帮助你创建属于你的网站,且内置了大量组件,方便用户通过简单的拖拽组件(如响应式轮播、菜单、导航等等)组装成一个响应式的页面,它的网页设计工具建立在非常风行的Bootstrap框架之上,并且导出干净与语义HTML。是开发人员和设计师们必备的Windows软件之一。
2023-03-16 17:15:48 90.74MB bootstrap