
上传者: u013248074 | 上传时间: 2023-03-19 21:39:22 | 文件大小: 5.81MB | 文件类型: RAR
DkZ Studio: - Fixed Link to rebuild function (save as...) in help bar. DataBase Editor: - Added WE/PES PC compatibility. - Added editionf of build faces, body, accesories, uniform... - Added function for export the hole DataBase. - Import DataBase is customizable, selecting the things that you want to import. - Import DataBase check player by Shirt Names and nationality for got the correct players. - Import Database make automatic trasfers when it import team squads. - Added the selecting skills in Global Editor. - Added the "by nationality" and "free players" in transfers window. - Added Copy, Cut, Paste and Delete for players (right click). - Added Shirt No. checking when transfers, got even the correct players Shirt No. if the palyer haven't or the ShirtNo. is occupied then assign a new one. - Modify the Global Editor, it's now in Players windows, and modify the players showed in the list. - Modify the players filter for got more filters combinations. - Fixed the got captain/kickers with licenses. - Fixed the team names (exporting teams) when it have utf-8 chars.



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