该算法用Visual Studio编写 ,用于实现对样本的训练以及测试,并可以转换成matlab语言,直接调用子程序
2023-04-06 17:41:19 24KB c语言 visual_studio__svm 分类
此为中科大materials studio 5.0版本的系列培训教程的第5节(此节使用materials studio的CASTAP模块),欢迎关注下载!
2023-04-05 19:11:23 3.5MB materials studio 中科大 材料学
2023-04-04 13:26:43 4.02MB Geomagic crack 破解 点云
visual studio code的软件工具安装包,本人用于electron框架相关项目的开发,视图清晰,使用简单方便。类似于subtext 3编辑器的视图。
2023-04-04 13:08:44 41.92MB visual studi 开发环境
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:45:45 113.81MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:29:11 318.01MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:27:40 178.9MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Enterprise Edition,可做收藏、学习、研究。
2023-04-04 06:26:24 56.18MB Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0
C# IS A RELATIVELY NEW LANGUAGE that was unveiled to the world when Microsoft announced the fi rst version of its .NET Framework in July 2000. Since then its popularity has rocketed, and it has arguably become the language of choice for desktop, web, and cloud developers who use the .NET Framework. Part of the appeal of C# comes from its clear syntax, which derives from C/C++ but simplifi es some things that have previously discouraged some programmers. Despite this sim- plifi cation, C# has retained the power of C++, and there is now no reason not to move into C#. The language is not diffi cult and it’s a great one to learn elementary programming techniques with. This ease of learning, combined with the capabilities of the .NET Framework, make C# an excellent way to start your programming career.
2023-04-03 18:45:02 10.52MB C# Visual Studio 2015
Professional Visual Studio 2015
2023-04-03 18:40:38 43.73MB Professional Visual Studio 2015