Quantitative Trading - How to Build Your Own Algorithmic Trading Business.
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(BABOK Guide v3) IIBA-A Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge-International Institute of Business Analysis
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这本书可是英美经典书籍。 What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
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使用Microsoft Excel 2016掌握业务建模和分析技术,并将数据转换为底线结果。由屡获殊荣的教育家韦恩·温斯顿撰写的这本以情景为中心的实践指南帮助您使用Excel最新的工具提出正确的问题并获得准确、可操作的答案。这个版本增加了150多个新的解决方案问题,加上一章的基本电子表格模型,以确保您完全跟上速度。 用Excel解决实际的业务问题并建立您的竞争优势
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basic business statistics concepts and applications
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Business analysis For Practitioners Practice Guide
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Agile development is having a significant impact on the Business Analyst community. Agile introduces a significant shift in how teams look at requirements and when they are defined in the process. Agile Business Analysts are an integrated part of the team throughout the life of the project and facilitate collaboration across a broader cross section of the project team and the business. Collaboration, facilitation, leadership, coaching, and team building become significant new skills required for Business Analysts on Agile projects. Leadership and collaboration are key components critical to their success.
2019-12-21 20:20:30 95KB Agile Business Analysis
FoxitPhantomPDF.v7.3.5.315.Business 福昕高级PDF编辑器永久授权绿色精简版
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美国辛辛那提大学James R. Evans教授写的商业分析著作,本书2017年的新书。搞商业分析的小伙伴可以参考一下。
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商业分析师最新版本, Needs Assessment Stakeholder Engagement Elicitation Analysis Traceability and Monitoring Solution Evaluation
2019-12-21 19:56:54 9.94MB PBA