Solution Manual.Error Control Coding Lin Shu and Costello
2022-05-28 21:56:08 1.04MB Solution Manual Error Control
RoboMaster 2022 University League Rules Manual (North America)
2022-05-27 14:05:02 2.18MB 综合资源 比赛技术文件
Soft Skills: the software developer's life manual 一本针对程序员工作、职业规划、生活、健康等方方面面的书,至少国内我还没看到类似的,苦逼的码农们可以了解下国外程序员是什么生存状态。 国内没有翻译版的。
2022-05-26 14:24:43 3.12MB Soft Skills
Help & Manual 5 注册机,测试过,对最新的 5.3.1 有效
2022-05-26 11:01:32 22KB Help & Manual 5
NI-XNET Hardware and Software User Manual and Specifications - National Instruments
2022-05-26 09:41:30 7.96MB NI XNET
Zynq-7000 技术参考手册 英文版,Zynq-7000 开发必不可少的技术手册
2022-05-25 23:05:34 17.28MB Zynq-7000
GCC 12.1 Manual.pdf GNU Make Manual Version 4.3.pdf GNU make中文手册 V3.8.pdf
2022-05-24 15:00:38 4.61MB gnu 服务器
SECTION 1 Overview describes what the OSEK OS is and highlights its basic features. SECTION 2 Notation contains the description of the Manual structure, typographical conventions and the list of acronyms. SECTION 3 Operating System Architecture gives the high level description of OS architecture and presents OS Conformance Classes. SECTION 4 Task Management explains the task concept in OSEK and all other questions related to tasks. SECTION 5 Scheduler provides the description of scheduling policies in OSEK OS. SECTION 6 Interrupt Processing highlights OSEK approach to interrupts handling. SECTION 7 Resource Management describes resource management and task coordination by resources. SECTION 8 Counters and Alarms describes usage of these control mechanisms in OSEK OS. SECTION 9 Events is devoted to event management and task coordination by events. SECTION 10 Communication describes message concept in OSEK and their usage. SECTION 11 Error Handling and Special Routines describes support provided to the user to debug an application and handle errors. SECTION 12 System Configuration describes possible OSEK OS versions, configuration options and the configuration mechanism. SECTION 13 Building of Application contains information on how to build an user’s application using OSEK OS. It also describes memory requirements.
2022-05-21 11:08:27 1.02MB OSEK
Gas Manual上的网页进行了一个打包。方便离线浏览。
2022-05-19 20:04:09 811KB gas
SanDisk Secure Digital Card Product Manual Version 1.9 Docum
2022-05-19 13:00:44 1.13MB 源码软件