2021-02-01 19:05:59 73.9MB microsoft workshop monitoring hackathon
Ansible-Nagios 用于设置Nagios监视服务器和客户端(CentOS / RHEL / Fedora / FreeBSD)的手册 它有什么作用? 在CentOS7或RHEL7上自动部署Nagios Server 在CentOS6 / 7/8,RHEL6、7、8,Fedora和FreeBSD上自动部署Nagios客户端 从Ansible清单生成服务检查和受监视的主机 为Nagios服务器本身生成全面检查 通过NRPE为所有主机/服务生成全面检查 根据jinja2模板生成大多数其他配置 通过Apache将Nagios包装在SSL中 设置适当的防火墙规则(防火墙或iptables-services) 这也可以通过 如何使用? 在hosts清单中的[nagios]下添加nagios服务器 在其清单组下添加相应的服务/主机,主机只能属于一个组。 看一下install/group_vars/all.yml来更改诸如电子邮件地址,nagios用户,guest用户等的任何内容。 运行剧本。 如果需要,请阅读下面的详细信息。 要求 仅用于Nagios服务器的RHEL7或Cen
2021-02-01 11:16:01 666KB ansible monitoring centos playbook
2021-01-28 16:07:57 27KB shell sql monitoring oracle
Monitoring Mesos, Docker, Containers with Zabbix
2021-01-28 04:10:02 2.35MB Mesos Zabbix
松下投影机网络控制软件 远程开关机
2021-01-28 03:23:17 30.83MB panasonic 松下投影机
Product Details Paperback: 254 pages Publisher: Springer; 1 edition (Nov 16 2005) Language: English ISBN-10: 0387277811 ISBN-13: 978-0387277813 Product Description: Statistical Monitoring of Clinical Trials: Fundamentals for Investigators introduces the investigator and statistician to monitoring procedures in clinical research. Clearly presenting the necessary background with limited use of mathematics, this book increases the knowledge, experience, and intuition of investigations in the use of these important procedures now required by the many clinical research efforts. The author provides motivated clinical investigators the background, correct use, and interpretation of these monitoring procedures at an elementary statistical level. He defines terms commonly used such as group sequential procedures and stochastic curtailment in non-mathematical language and discusses the commonly used procedures of Pocock, O’Brien–Fleming, and Lan–DeMets. He discusses the notions of conditional power, monitoring for safety and futility, and monitoring multiple endpoints in the study. The use of monitoring clinical trials is introduced in the context of the evolution of clinical research and one chapter is devoted to the more recent Bayesian procedures.
2020-01-03 11:26:42 1.79MB Clinical trials brownian motion
此破解版为英文版,已亲测可用; 测试环境:Windows 7旗舰版,32位; 测试功能:串口监视; 测试过程:安装原文件,打开后,会提示14天试用期;破解后,无提示,无注册窗口;在不占用串口的情况下,完美监视串口通信数据。 提示:在设备名称上右击,选择开始监视,弹出session configuration窗口,左侧Visualizers下的选项均为灰色,点击后会文本框显示需要升级版本才可用,实际上完全可以使用。选择数据显示的方式,点击左上角绿色小箭头,添加后,点击start,完美运行^_^
2015-05-22 00:00:00 12.61MB 串口监视 最新版 USB监视