在Springboot中已经有实现好的jar包可以很方便的集成Redis,也可以自己来封装Jedis实现Redis,这里我们使用Jedis来封装,从而使我们的程序更具有灵活性 首先,我们需要安装Redis: redis下载 安装完成之后在控制台输入redis-cli 如果出现以下界面即表示安装成功 redis安装成功之后打开idea,我们新建一个Springboot项目,选择Create New Project 然后选择新建的项目类型为Spring Initializr 即可以很方便的新建一个Springboot项目 我在这里使用的是Maven作为包管理,因此生成的项目目录是这样的 项目
2021-07-29 15:27:29 233KB ed edi IN
经典OFDM教材,原书第二版 Multi-Carrier Digital Communications Theory and Applications of OFDM, Second Edition Multi-carrier modulation, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) particularly, has been successfully applied to a wide variety of digital communications applications over the past several years. OFDM has been chosen as the physical layer standard for a variety of important systems and its implementation techniques continue to evolve rapidly. This book is a valuable summary of the technology, providing an understanding of new advances as well as the present core technology. A unified presentation of OFDM performance and implementation over a wide variety of channels, including both wireline and wireless systems, is made. This will prove valuable both to developers of such systems and to researchers and graduate students involved in analysis of digital communications. In the interest of brevity, the authors have minimized treatment of more general communication issues. There exist many excellent texts on communication theory and technology. Only brief summaries of topics not specific to multi-carrier modulation are presented in this book where essential. As a background, it is assumed that the reader has a clear knowledge of basic fundamentals of digital communications. Highlights of the Second Edition During the past few years since the publication of the first edition of this text, the technology and application of OFDM have continued their rapid pace of advancement. As a result, it became clear that a new edition of the text would be highly desirable. The new edition provides the opportunity to make those corrections and clarifications whose need became apparent from continued discussions with many readers. However, the main purpose is to introduce new topics that have come to the forefront during the past few years, and to amplify the treatment of other subject matter. Because of the particularly rapid development of wireless systems employin
2021-07-21 09:20:51 11.38MB Multi-carrier 多载波 OFDM 第二版
一些双目相机的总结比较(realsense,mynteye,zedmini)Realsense D435ZED MINI小觅 Mynt Eye D系列 Realsense D435 Realsense是我最早使用的双目深度相机,我认为realsense最大的优点就是它是市面上各种功能最齐全的深度相机,同时也是提供最完善SDK和文档的双目深度相机。 总的来说,是我觉得最适合开始开发的相机。 优点: 他提供linux,windows,android的sdk,sdk的api接口非常完善,可以自由的获取想要的任何信息。(RGB,depth,aligened depth,etc) 无论是通过ROS调用
2021-07-19 14:40:34 708KB al dmi ed
ASQ注册六西格玛黑带培训手册 第二版 T. M. Kubiak Donald W. Benbow
2021-07-18 00:00:16 5.33MB ASQ  Black Belt Handbook
完整英文电子版 EIAJ ED-4701/001:2001 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices(General) -半导体器件的环境和耐久性测试方法(通用)。这些标准规定了环境试验方法和耐久性试验方法,旨在评估主要用于一般工业应用和消费应用的电子设备中使用的分立半导体器件和集成电路(以下统称为半导体器件)在各种环境条件下的电阻和耐久性。 在其使用、储存和运输过程中出现的各种条件。
2021-07-16 09:04:03 73KB EIAJ ED-4701/001 半导体器件 环境
完整英文电子版 EIAJ ED-4701/100:2001 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices(Life test I) - 半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(寿命试验 I)。本标准规定了环境测试方法和耐久性测试方法(尤其是寿命测试),旨在评估分立半导体器件的电阻和耐久性,以及集成电路(以下统称为半导体器件)主要用于一般工业应用和消费应用的电子设备,在其使用、储存和运输过程中出现的各种环境条件下。
2021-07-16 09:04:02 67KB EIAJ ED-4701/100 半导体器件 环境
完整英文电子版 EIAJ ED-4701/200:2001 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices(Life test II) -半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(寿命试验 II)。本标准规定了环境试验方法和耐久性试验方法(特别是寿命试验),旨在评估主要用于一般工业应用和消费应用的电子设备中的分立半导体器件和集成电路(以下统称半导体器件)在使用、储存和运输过程中出现的各种环境条件下的电阻和耐久性。
2021-07-16 09:04:02 45KB EIAJ ED-4701/200 半导体器件 环境
完整英文电子版 EIAJ ED-4701/300:2001 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices(Stress test I) - 半导体器件的环境和耐久性试验方法(应力试验 I)。本标准规定了环境试验方法和耐久性试验方法(特别是应力试验),旨在评估主要用于一般工业应用和消费应用的电子设备中的集成电路(以下统称半导体器件)和分立半导体器件在使用、储存和运输过程中出现的各种环境条件下的电阻和耐久性。
2021-07-16 09:04:02 778KB EIAJ ED-4701/300 半导体器件 环境
完整英文电子版 EIAJ ED-4701/300-3:2006 Environmental and endurance test methods for semiconductor devices(Stress test I)-Amendment 3(半导体器件的环境和耐久性测试方法(压力测试 I)-修正案 3)。符合 EIAJ ED-4701/300 半导体器件的环境和耐久性测试方法(压力测试 1)。
2021-07-16 09:04:01 375KB EIAJ ED-4701/300-3 半导体器件 环境