Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX12.7z
2021-12-02 09:10:48 28.43MB directx
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11.pdf
2021-12-02 09:10:42 22.64MB D3DX
2021-12-02 09:10:41 20.22MB directx
Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 11 by Frank Luna 网路上目前唯一可下载的完整版本
2021-11-30 21:28:18 56.17MB 3D Game DirectX11
软件特色1、下载所有缺少的DLL文件。 2、修复Windows DirectX错误。 3、修复Windows“ Visual C ++运行时库运行时错误”。 4、修复Windows .dll丢失或找不到错误。 5、修复.sys蓝屏死机蓝屏死机。 6、解决.exe占用大量CPU和内存资源的情况。 7、解决Windows设备故障。 8、提升电脑性能。 9、清除垃圾文件和注册表错误。
2021-11-28 19:19:30 8.81MB 修复 dll directx dll修复
This book is the follow-up edition to Wendy Jones’s Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming book. In this book, we teach you the basics of getting started with game graphics using the latest iteration of Direct3D: Direct3D 11. The goal of this book is to teach you the various aspects of DirectX 11. The target audience for this text is beginning/intermediate C++ programmers with little to no experience with DirectX. Although past DirectX or OpenGL experience can be useful, it is not required. When you reach the end of this book, you will have had enough experience with DirectX 11 that you should be able to exploremaking simple video games and demos. Ideally, you will work your way up to make complex games and demos until you find yourself able to complete and release (even if for free at first) your own PC games.
2021-11-25 11:12:34 52.43MB DirectX Game
3dmax 导出x文件插件 Panda Directx Exporter 各种版本 包括 7,8,9,2008,2009,2010
2021-11-23 09:30:26 2.24MB 3dmax x文件 插件
2021-11-23 01:17:25 186KB Microsoft
本人新手,算是自学了一年DX的成果。一个FPS游戏DEMO。有第一人称武器,枪口muzzle火焰,地形,天空盒,小物品等 需要源码的新人加我QQ254384870吧,本人也是新手。。。老鸟请无视吧
2021-11-23 00:32:31 2.52MB Directx C++ FPS demo 实例
这个是C#中开发游戏的一些详细的资源深入Managed DirectX9.0,对使用C#+Managed DirectX9.0开发游戏的人非常有帮助的……欢迎下载!
2021-11-21 20:53:04 721KB 9.0 DirectX Managed