上传者: ywj1225
上传时间: 2021-11-25 11:12:34
文件大小: 52.43MB
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This book is the follow-up edition to Wendy Jones’s Beginning DirectX 10 Game
Programming book. In this book, we teach you the basics of getting started with
game graphics using the latest iteration of Direct3D: Direct3D 11.
The goal of this book is to teach you the various aspects of DirectX 11. The target
audience for this text is beginning/intermediate C++ programmers with little to
no experience with DirectX. Although past DirectX or OpenGL experience can be
useful, it is not required.
When you reach the end of this book, you will have had enough experience with
DirectX 11 that you should be able to exploremaking simple video games and demos.
Ideally, you will work your way up to make complex games and demos until you find
yourself able to complete and release (even if for free at first) your own PC games.