本书包含以下内容1. 使用表达式语言或标签处理数据并显示内容2. 控制反转和webwork Action3. Velocity,类型转换和数据校验4.web应用程序和hibermate持儿框架的集成5.webwork最佳实践和架构
2022-03-07 15:39:11 121MB hibermate java web webwork
JFinal + Redis 实现action的数据缓存 在Controller的public void 方法上写上 @Before(RedisCacheInterceptor.class) 即可实现redis缓存 需要在Appconfig中configPlugin代码进行插件加入 RedisPlugin appRedis = new RedisPlugin("demo_app", "", 6378); me.add(appRedis);
2022-03-01 22:19:04 6KB jfinal redis demo 缓存数据
PostGIS in Action, Second Edition teaches you to solve real-world geodata problems. It first gives you a background in vector-, raster-, and topology-based GIS and then quickly moves into analyzing, viewing, and mapping data. You’ll learn how to optimize queries for maximum speed, simplify geometries for greater efficiency, and create custom functions for your own applications. You’ll also learn how to apply your existing GIS knowledge to PostGIS and integrate with other GIS tools.
2022-03-01 15:38:19 10.31MB PostGIS Action
c3d-video-action-recg c3d视频动作 基于tensorflow的c3d网络 用法 1.分割视频 python split_video.py --video videopath-输出outputpath 2.分割数据集 python createdatalist.py --imagedir imagedir --labelpath labelpath --trainpath trainpath --testpath测试路径[--frac frac] 3.创建tfrecords python create_tfrecords.py --picklepath picklepath --savepath savepath 4.火车 python train.py
2022-03-01 10:58:31 1.89MB Python
go 语言实战,英文版文字版 pdf,没有长篇大论,简练 快速入门必看。
2022-02-28 20:35:27 8.48MB go
Spring in Action 4,最新英文版
2022-02-28 15:32:12 11.2MB Spring in Action4
2022-02-24 10:18:37 4.33MB c++11 多线程 并发
Book Description: Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6. About the Technology In 2006, Windows PowerShell reinvented the way administrators and developers interact with Windows. Today, PowerShell is required knowledge for Windows admins and devs. This powerful, dynamic language provides command-line control of the Windows OS and most Windows servers, such as Exchange and SCCM. And because it’s a first-class .NET language, you can build amazing shell scripts and tools without reaching for VB or C#. About the Book Windows PowerShell in Action, Third Edition is the definitive guide to PowerShell, now revised to cover PowerShell 6. Written by language designer Bruce Payette and MVP Richard Siddaway, this rich book offers a crystal-clear introduction to the language along with its essential everyday use cases. Beyond the basics, you’ll find detailed examples on deep topics like performance, module architecture, and parallel execution. What’s Inside The best end-to-end coverage of PowerShell available Updated with coverage of PowerShell v6 PowerShell workflows PowerShell classes Writing modules and scripts Desired State Configuration Programming APIs and pipelines About the Reader Written for intermediate-level developers and administrators. About the Authors Bruce Payette is codesigner and principal author of the Power-Shell language. Richard Siddaway is a longtime PowerShell MVP, author, speaker, and blogger.
2022-02-24 09:00:54 11.81MB PowerShell
应用uni-swipe-action组件实现列表项左划操作。 真正做到开箱即用。
2022-02-21 09:25:31 2KB uni-swipe-action uni-app 左划
UCF Sport Action dataset 是一个不同的场景和角度人类运动视频数据集,从BBC和ESPN的电视新闻中采集,包含 150段 视频剪辑,视频分辨率为 720x480。运动种类及剪辑数为:跳水(14视频)、高尔夫秋千(18视频)、踢(20视频)、吊装(6视频)、骑马(12视频)、跑步(13视频)、滑板(12个视频)、秋千长椅(20视频)、摆动侧(13视频)、步行(22视频)。
2022-02-20 15:37:48 1.65GB 数据集