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2021-11-12 23:43:19 5.7MB 概率 Probability
国立交通大学的偏微分方程课程用书,是非常经典的fritz john 的书
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数字图像处理,冈萨雷斯,文字版,英文版,第四版,全球版,带书签,彩色超清晰,英文版电子书:Digital Image Processing 4th Edition
MIT教材 Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th edition--Gilbert Strang 答案
2021-11-09 00:38:05 576KB Introduction to Linear Algebra
A Modern Introduction Linear Algebra, 4th edition 《现代线性代数导论》David Poole
2021-11-05 22:05:35 80.6MB 线性代数 线性代数导论
本书针对CLR和.NET Framework 4.0进行深入、全面的探讨,并结合实例介绍了如何利用它们进行设计、开发和调试。全书5部分29章。第Ⅰ部分介绍CLR基础,第Ⅱ部分解释如何设计类型,第Ⅲ部分介绍基本类型,第Ⅳ部分以实用特性为主题,第Ⅴ部分花大量篇幅重点介绍线程处理。
2021-11-05 17:07:09 11.5MB CLR
Sedgewick之巨著,与高德纳TAOCP一脉相承 几十年多次修订,经久不衰的畅销书 涵盖所有程序员必须掌握的50种算法 本书内容全面,通过实例介绍了所有程序员都应该知道的50个算法,内容涉及排序和搜索、计算几何和数学算法等
2021-11-05 13:17:05 12.33MB 算法(第四版 英文版) Algorithms Fourth
《Python学习手册:第4版》是《Learning Python》的高清中文扫描版,是易于掌握和自学的教程,根据作者Python专家Mark Lutz的著名培训课程编写而成。 《Python学习手册:第4版》包括以下内容: 学习Python的主要内建对象类型:数字、列表和字典。 使用Python语句创建和处理对象,并且学习Python的通用语法模型。 使用函数构造和重用代码,函数是Python的基本过程工具。 学习Python模块:封装语句、函数以及其他工具,从而可以组织成较大的组件。 Python的面向对象编程工具,用于组织程序代码。 学习异常处理模型,以及用于编写较大程序的开发工具。 了解包括装饰器、描述器、元类和Unicode处理等高级Python工具。
2021-11-03 23:55:30 95.69MB Python 开发 入门教材
The fourth edition of Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction updates and extends the chapters in the previous edition and includes two new chapters on MIMO systems, Correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis. The wide range of topics covered in this book include Wiener filters, echo cancellation, channel equalisation, spectral estimation, detection and removal of impulsive and transient noise, interpolation of missing data segments, speech enhancement and noise/interference in mobile communication environments. This book provides a coherent and structured presentation of the theory and applications of statistical signal processing and noise reduction methods. Two new chapters on MIMO systems, correlation and Eigen analysis and independent component analysis Comprehensive coverage of advanced digital signal processing and noise reduction methods for communication and information processing systems Examples and applications in signal and information extraction from noisy data Comprehensive but accessible coverage of signal processing theory including probability models, Bayesian inference, hidden Markov models, adaptive filters and Linear prediction models
2021-11-03 21:55:44 18.22MB DSP Noise