最近报道的大多数模拟故障字典技术的测试点选择算法都是基于整数编码表(ICT)技术的。 因此,这些算法的准确性与ICT技术的准确性密切相关。 不幸的是,这种技术是不准确的,特别是当故障字典的大小很大时。 针对测试点选择问题,本文提出了一种精确的故障对布尔表技术。 首先,介绍了将故障字典转换为故障对布尔表的方法。 然后,提出了一种基于故障对布尔表的测试点选择算法。 第三,使用几个示例电路来说明所提出的算法。 仿真结果表明,该方法比其他方法更为准确。 因此,这是最小化测试点集大小的良好解决方案。 ? 2010年Springer Science + Business Media,LLC。
2021-02-23 18:04:56 312KB Analog fault dictionary ;
A novel scheme of photonic aided vector millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signal generation without a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) is proposed. Based on our scheme, a 20 Gb/s 4-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (4-QAM) mm-wave signal is generated without using a DAC. The experiment results demonstrat
2021-02-21 19:09:39 551KB
2021-02-05 17:02:49 1.06MB dsp
React模拟时钟 开始开发: npm start 这将构建为/dist并在监视模式下运行项目,因此您保存在src所有编辑都会导致重建为/dist 。 要运行故事书: npm run storybook 这将从./stories加载故事。 注意:故事应该像使用库一样引用组件,类似于示例游乐场。 这意味着从根项目目录导入。 tsconfig和storybook webpack config中已将其作为辅助名称。
2021-02-04 13:12:32 242KB react clock analog storybook
signal_analog 启发性的库,用于对SignalFx图表,仪表板和检测器进行编程,声明式定义和管理。 该库假定您基本熟悉SignalFx中的资源。 有关SignalFx API的良好概述,请参阅。 目录 产品特点 为SignalFlow DSL提供绑定 提供以下方面的抽象: 图表 仪表板,仪表板组 探测器 CLI构建器来包装资源定义(对于自动化很有用) 安装 将signal_analog添加到项目中的需求文件中: # requirements.txt # ... your other dependencies signal_analog 然后运行以下命令来更新您的环境: pip install -r requirements.txt 用法 signal_analog提供两种抽象,一种用于在SignalFx API中构建资源,另一种用于通过描述度量时间序列。 以下各节描述如何与一起使用Resource抽象。 建筑图 signal_analog在signal_analog.charts模块中提供了用于构建图表的结构。 有关更多信息,请查阅。 让我们考虑一个示例,在
2021-02-03 01:36:49 172KB python automation library monitoring
模拟设计权威书籍 This book contains all topics of importance to the analog designer which are essential to obtain sufficient insights to do a thorough job. The book starts with elementary stages in building up operational amplifiers. The synthesis of opamps is covered in great detail. Many examples are included, operating at low supply voltages. Chapters on noise, distortion, filters, ADC/DACs and oscillators follow. These are all based on the extensive amount of teaching that the author has carried out world-wide. All chapters have been drawn up specifically for self-study. They aim, however, at different levels of understanding. All start with elementary material. Most chapters also contain advanced material. A new format is used for this book. All slides are included on a CD-ROM, as PDF files, and are reproduced in the book, followed by the comments normally given by the teacher. This has the advantages that the material used for teaching is also the material used by the student, and that only one additional aspect is explained per slide. The student can thus easily monitor their progress in understanding.
2020-11-15 15:12:54 49.33MB Analog
英文扫描版+解答 [Razavi]_Design_Of_Analog_Cmos_Integrated_Circuits + 解答.rar
2020-03-04 03:05:14 49.49MB razavi solution analog circuits
2020-02-02 03:00:54 10.55MB 模拟集成电路 原理设计 格雷
An ideal first text on communication systems in electrical engineering, Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is now in its fourth edition. Retaining the superb pedagogical style of the first three editions, the authors first introduce the fundamentals of signals and systems and core communication topics; they then present the tools essential to the design and analysis of digital communications. Featuring a seamless blend of mathematics and heuristics, carefully crafted examples to clarify mathematical abstractions, and new and updated MATLAB exercises, this text provides a thorough coverage of modern communication system theory and application that is easily accessible to students. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems is suitable for students with or without prior knowledge of probability theory. Only after laying a solid foundation in how communication systems work do the authors delve into analyses of communication systems that require probability theory and random processes. Revised, expanded, and updated throughout, the fourth edition reflects the many technological advances in the field, such as OFDM and CDMA, pervasive communication applications such as cellular systems, wireless LAN systems, and DSL modem technology services. New to this Edition * New discussion of technological advances and applications * New chapters (12 and 13) on spread spectrum communications and frequency selective channels and OFDM systems * New and updated MATLAB examples * New material on such topics as code division multiple-access (CDMA), orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), equalization, soft decoding, turbo codes, and low-density parity check (LDPC) codes Features * Flexible organization (outlined in the preface) that accommodates a variety of course structures, including one-semester, two-semester, one-quarter, and two-quarter * Accessible to students with no background in probability theory * Abundant real-world examples that are applica
2020-01-17 03:12:36 49.87MB Digital Analog
2020-01-13 03:13:47 34.53MB analog circui