Millions of application developers and database administrators around the world use software provided by Oracle Corporation to build complex systems that manage vast quantities of data. At the heart of much of Oracle’s software is PL/SQL—a programming language that provides procedural extensions to Oracle’s version of SQL (Structured Query Language) and serves as the programming language within the Oracle Developer toolset (most notably Forms Developer and Reports Developer).
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Fundamentals of Electric Circuits continues in the spirit of its successful previous editions, with the objective of presenting circuit analysis in a manner that is clearer, more interesting, and easier to understand than other, more traditional texts. Students are introduced to the sound, six-step problem solving methodology in chapter one, and are consistently made to apply and practice these steps in practice problems and homework problems throughout the text. A balance of theory, worked & extended examples, practice problems, and real-world applications, combined with over 468 new or changed homework problems complete this edition. Robust media offerings, renders this text to be the most comprehensive and student-friendly approach to linear circuit analysis out there. This book retains the "Design a Problem" feature which helps students develop their design skills by having the student develop the question, as well as the solution. There are over 100 "Design a Problem" exercises integrated into problem sets in the book.
2021-03-14 20:30:10 12.39MB Fundamentals of
This comprehensive textbook on combinatorial optimization places special emphasis on theoretical results and algorithms with provably good performance.
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2021-03-08 14:33:46 6.98MB Table of Integrals Series