5G Antenna System OTA Testing
2021-08-06 13:02:21 940KB 测试
2021-08-04 22:01:34 1MB 天线 英文原版
Antenna Magus 是一种软件工具,可以加快天线的设计和建模流程。可以从一个包含 350 多种天线的大型天线数据库中,将历经验证的天线模型导出到 CST Studio Suite。
2021-08-04 11:00:42 529KB CST ANTENNAMAGUS 天线
This book is intended to be a tutorial on antenna arrays. Each chapter builds upon the previous chapter and progressively addresses more difficult subject material. The many pictures and examples introduce the reader to practical applications. The book starts with some electromagnetics/antennas/antenna systems information that is relevant to the other eight chapters. The next two chapters deal with the analysis and synthesis of arrays of point sources and their associated array factors. These chapters would be useful for acoustic sensors as well as electromagnetic sensors. Chapter 4 presents a sampling of different kinds of elements that replace the point sources of the previous two chapters. The next chapter shows that the elements do not have to lie along a line or in a plane. Antenna elements may lie conformal to a surface or be distributed in space. Chapter 6 introduces mutual coupling where the elements radiate and receive electromagnetic waves, so they interact. These interactions are extremely complex and difficult to predict. Computer modeling and experiments are needed to predict the performance of arrays where mutual coupling is important. Chapter 7 introduces many different approaches to getting signals to and from the array elements to a computer where the signal detection takes place. Finally, the various numerical techniques behind smart antennas are introduced in Chapter 8. This book emphasizes the computational methods used in the design and analysis of array antennas. I generated most of the plots presented in this book using one of three commercial software packages. MATLAB (MATLAB Version 2009a, The Math Works, www.mathworks.com, 2009) is the primary program used to do the plotting and calculations. MATLAB was also used to do many of the computations and is even useful for controlling experimental hardware. I used FEKO (FEKO, Suite 5.4, EM Software and Systems, www. feko.info, 2008) and CST Microwave Studio (CST Microwave Studio, Version 2009.07,
2021-08-03 10:18:23 24.51MB Antenna
扩展了阵列综合工具,以允许每个阵列使用多个元素模式,并允许直接使用集合中现有天线设计的元素模式。 基本阵列运算符已扩展为包括具有复制和相移选项的镜像运算符。 现有的“基本旋转和平移”运算符已更新,以包括具有渐进式相移的复制选项。 以前仅在设计模式下可用的“值比较表”现在在“比较”窗口中也可用。 “比较”窗口中“值比较表”的功能也已得到扩展,以允许在表中选择引用。选择参考时,相同单位类型的其他值将显示一个百分比值,指示该值与所选参考之间的差。 现在可以为先前未启用NFS的情况下估算的设计计算近场。现在已为此类情况添加了一个标签为“计算NFS”的按钮。 导出宏功能已扩展,仅允许导出所有可用变量中的一部分。 “设计范围外推”已扩展到“材料/物理特性”组中的目标,其中包括基材高度,相对介电常数等
2021-08-02 21:32:42 101B Antenna Magus 20
Antenna Theory and Microstrip Antennas 关于小型天线设计的推荐书籍
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Finite antenna arrays and FSS
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CST2019 全功能license 含FEST3D SPARK3D IDEM Antenna Magus license.rar (2.79 KB, 下载次数: 485 )
2021-07-22 11:41:56 3KB CST2019  全功能 license FEST3D
2021-07-16 09:06:21 36.9MB 天线