2021-03-11 20:43:01 420KB macos terminal iterm2 color-scheme
Chez Scheme 9.4.1 的 Windows 安装包,自编译,有爱自取。
2021-03-06 23:35:30 38.17MB Scheme Chez 编译器
luhux的guix操作系统配置文件 使用 git clone this-repo /path/to/this-repo export GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS=-L/path/to/this-repo
2021-03-05 09:08:05 80KB Scheme
一种基于主题的架构,该主题基于使用十六种颜色的基础精心选择的语法突出显示。 Base16提供了一组准则,详细说明了如何设置语法样式以及如何对构建器进行编码以编译Base16方案和模板。 文献资料 模板库 要添加您自己的模板,请向提交拉取请求,然后将您的存储库添加到下面的列表中。 存储库命名方案:base16- [template-name] (以破折号作为分隔符)。 维护的动态 维护的 保持由 由维护的 保持由 由维护的 维护的 维护的 维护的 维护的 维护的 由维护 保持由 ( 维护的 保持由 维护的 维护的 维护的 由维护 维护的 由维护 维护的 由维护 保持由 维护由 由维护 由维护的 维护的 由维护 由维护 通过维护 保持由 保持由 由维护的 保持由 由维护的 由维护 维护 维持由 由维护的 maintaned通过 由维护
2021-02-26 20:04:05 17KB theme scheme builder base16
The composite binary offset carrier (CBOC) modulated signal contains multi-peaks in its auto-correlation function, which brings ambiguity to the signal acquisition process of a GNSS receiver. Currently, most traditional ambiguity-removing schemes for CBOC signal acquisition approximate CBOC signal as a HOC signal, which may incur performance degradation. Based on Galileo El CBOC signal, this paper proposes a novel adaptive ambiguity-removing acquisition scheme which doesn't adopt the approxi
2021-02-21 19:10:53 300KB CBOC; Galileo; auto-correlation function;
Compact routing intends to achieve a good tradeoff between routing path length and storage overhead, and is recently considered as a main alternative to overcome the fundamental scaling limitations of the Internet routing system. It is generally believed that specialized compact routing sche
We present a full three-dimensional, featured-data algorithm for time-domain fluorescence diffuse optical tomography that inverts the Laplace-transformed time-domain coupled diffusion equations and employs a pair of appropriate transform-factors to effectively separate the fluorescent yield and life
2021-02-10 16:05:41 620KB 荧光扩散 特征数据 时域 图像重建
A novel pre-collimating scheme in laser-focused chromium (Cr) atomic deposition is presented. It consists of three apertures, which are one main pre-collimating aperture at centre and two probing apertures with uniform dimension at both sides of the central one. The calculations show that the Cr ato
2021-02-10 16:05:22 542KB 铬原子束 激光冷却 激光准直 020.3320
SNKC: An Efficient On-the-fly Pollution Detection Scheme for Content Distribution with Linear Network Coding
2021-02-09 22:05:01 336KB 研究论文
An Efficient Reliable Communication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Linear Network Coding
2021-02-09 22:04:53 2.12MB 研究论文