《 Fundamentals of Microelectronics》英文原版书籍。
2022-04-14 23:43:39 5.82MB 微电子学基础
3.8 掉电检测 LPC111x/LPC11Cxx 有四个电平用于监视 VDD(3V3) 引脚电压。如果电压下降到选定的电平 ( 这四个电平之一),那么 BOD 会产生一个中断信号到 NVIC。若该信号被 NVIC 的中断允许寄 存器允许,则会引发一个 CPU 中断;若未被允许,则软件可以通过读 NVIC 状态寄存器 ( 见 Table 53) 来监视这个信号。此外还可在四个阀值电平之中选择一个,当电压下降到该 电平时处理器将被强制复位 ( 见 Table 33)。 Fig 4. Start-up timing valid threshold = 1.8V processor status VDD IRC status RESET GND 80 μs 101 μs boot time user code boot code execution finishes; user code starts IRC starts supply ramp-up time 55 μsUM10398 All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers. © NXP B.V. 2012. All rights reserved. User manual Rev. 5 — 2 April 2012 34 of 427
2022-04-11 16:45:46 2.49MB LPC11Cxx系列的中文资料 用户手册
2022-04-06 16:48:30 5.94MB 遥感影像
复分析基础及工程应用 Fundamentals of complex analysis, with applications 2003
2022-03-23 20:59:06 13.54MB math
The textbook consists of 13 chapters, organized as follows: & Chapter 1 introduces concepts of DSP and presents a general DSP block diagram. Application examples are included. & Chapter 2 covers the sampling theorem described in time domain and frequency domain and also covers signal reconstruction. Some practical considerations for designing analog anti-aliasing lowpass filters and antiimage lowpass filters are included. The chapter ends with a section dealing with analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) and digital-to-analog conversion (DAC), as well as signal quantization and encoding. & Chapter 3 introduces digital signals, linear time-invariant system concepts, difference equations, and digital convolutions.
2022-03-17 14:43:31 7.36MB Digital Signal Processing Li
Thomas L. Floyd-Digital Fundamentals-Prentice Hall (2014) 数字电子技术 英文原版
2022-03-14 17:24:38 20.21MB Thomas L. Fl
It is about computer graphics. This book is used in Cornell University, the course: Computer Graphics.
2022-03-08 16:03:42 23.48MB Computer Graphics
雷达信号处理基础(第二版) 雷达信号处理基础(第二版)
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2022-03-03 09:37:55 3.6MB Ocean acoustic
本书较为系统全面地介绍了多媒体的技术基础。首先阐述了人类的听觉、视觉特性,以及文字、声音、图形、图像、动画和视频等6种常用媒体韵概念、特点、数字化等基础内容,包括HDCD、Ac-3、DolbyDigital EX/Plus、Dolby TrIleHD、DTS、DTS—ES、DTS HD等音频技术,0penGL、X3D、SVG等图形动画技术,CRT、PDP、LCD和OLED等显示技术,MPEG和H.26x等系列标准。然后讲解熵编码、JPEG、MPEG-1/2/4、H.264/AVC、AVS等压缩与编码方法。接着介绍了如何利用MCl、MMAPl和DirectX等接口进行多媒体编程与开发。最后介绍了cD、DVD、EVD、BD、CBHD等光存储技术和网络多媒体通信的特点及IPv6、RTP/RTCP、RSVP和RTSP等因特网协议。
2022-02-26 05:03:39 15.9MB Fundamentals of Multimedia