Title: Automotive Engineering: Powertrain, Chassis System and Vehicle Body Author(s): David Crolla Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann Year: 2009 Language: English Pages (biblio\tech): 835\835 ISBN: 9781856175777, 1856175774 A one-stop Desk Reference, for engineers involved in vehicle design and development; this is a book that will not gather dust on the shelf. It brings together the essential professional reference content from leading international contributors in the field. Material ranges from basic to advanced topics from engines and transmissions to vehicle dynamics and modelling. * A hard-working Desk Reference, providing all the essential material needed by Automotive Engineers on a day-to-day basis. * Fundamentals, key techniques, engineering best practice and rules-of-thumb together in one quick-reference sourcebook. * Definitive content by the leading authors in the field.
2019-12-21 22:26:40 50.82MB Automotive E Powertrain Chassis
Automotive SPICE PRM A-SPICE过程参考模型V4.5 中文版
2019-12-21 22:02:21 279KB Automotive SPICE PRM 中文
Automotive Ethernet: The Definitive Guide. 英文原版车载以太网权威指南
2019-12-21 21:40:04 32.78MB automotive ethernet
最全的Automotive Ethernet - The Definitive Guide - 车载以太网书本,购买用来学习Ethernet AVB用的。老外的书籍,内容很丰富。车载以太网目前最好的也是唯一的一本书籍了。
2019-12-21 21:38:09 2.97MB 车载以太网 Ethernet AVB
Automotive SPICE Process Assessment Model 目前在欧洲和大洋洲很流行的国际标准ISO/IEC 15504,也称SPICE。此文档与标准SPICE的区别是,这个是汽车级的,简称A-SPICE。 汽车SPICE针对为汽车制造商提供软件服务的提供商进行质量、过程资质以及组织成熟度认证。 汽车电子软件质量相关的工程师及软件开发流程相关的良好参考。 很不容易找到的哦,希望珍惜资源哦。
2019-12-21 21:36:15 748KB SPICE automotive cmmi
车载以太网权威指南 Automotive Ethernet 原版文字版 非扫描 目录全 可扫描可复制。 车载以太网权威指南 Automotive Ethernet 很完整的UDS资料。 车载以太网权威指南, Automotive Ehternet Colt Correa Charles M. Kozierok Robert B. Boatright Jeffrey Quesnelle 英文原版,高清文字版 非扫描 可复制 可搜索 以太网 Ethernet 车载 权威指南 Autootive
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Automotive SPICE in Practice电子版,汽车电子开发相关架构和流程
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2019-12-21 19:29:15 21.99MB Automotive Software Engineering
MISRA C_2012 Guidelines for the use of the C language in critical systems
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