Helium Streamer是一款非常实用的流媒体服务器,也是一款独特的音乐播放器,可以用多种方式浏览音乐文件,如艺术家,专辑,标题,流派,年份等,全新的音乐欣赏体验,独特的视觉听觉体验
2021-08-17 13:04:17 17.74MB HeliumStreamer 流媒体服务器
ftp服务器应用,我一直在用这个,能够在windows server 2008 上稳定运行,2012有点不稳,在windows10 / 7 都可以稳定运行 设置简单
2021-08-16 10:37:22 739KB ftp 简单 服务器应用
安川MOTOPLUSE DX200 YRC1000_TCP服务器软件 使用方法 https://blog.csdn.net/jmych24/article/details/119598210
2021-08-11 14:03:13 34KB 安川机器人 通讯 通信 TCP
2021-08-09 10:52:06 16.19MB 综合资料
2021-08-08 09:02:03 166.47MB 服务器软件
2021-08-07 23:03:02 1.16MB 服务器软件-服务器其它
如果你是一个小型的办公网络,你可以创建一个服务器来进行日程安排,这只是一个开源的小服务器,你果你需要大的免费的软件去http://www.bedework.org/bedework/下载 使用教程 Installation Dependencies Radicale is written in pure python and does not depend on any librabry. It is known to work on Python 2.5, 2.6, 3.0 and 3.1 [1]. Linux users certainly have Python already installed. For Windows and MacOS users, please install Python [2] thanks to the adequate installer. [1] See Python Versions and OS Support for further information. [2] Python download page. Radicale Radicale can be freely downloaded on the project website, download section. Just get the file and unzip it in a folder of your choice. CalDAV Clients At this time Radicale has been tested and works fine with the latests version of Mozilla Sunbird (versions 0.9+), Mozilla Lightning (0.9+), and Evolution (2.30+). More clients will be supported in the future. However, it may work with any calendar client which implements CalDAV specifications too (luck is highly recommanded). To download Sunbird, go to the Sunbird project website and choose the latest version. Follow the instructions depending on your operating system. Simple Usage Starting Server To start Radicale CalDAV server, you have to launch the file called radicale.py located in the root folder of the software package. Using Sunbird or Lightning After starting Sunbird or Lightning, click on File and New Calendar. Upcoming window asks you about your calendar storage. Chose a calendar On the Network, otherwise Sunbird will use its own file system storage instead of Radicale's one and your calendar won't be remotely accessible. Next window asks you to provide information about remote calendar access. Protocol used by Radicale is CalDAV. A standard location for a basic use of a Radicale calendar is http://localhost:5232/user/calendar/, where you can replace user and calendar by some strings of your choice. Calendars are automatically created if needed. You can now customize your calendar by giving it a nickname and a color. This
2021-08-07 16:04:27 22KB 免费 CALDAV 日程管理 Sunbird
MyWebServer是一款专业的轻量级WEB服务器软件。软件具有高性能、易用、小巧、绿色等特点,是用户快速建站及个人HTTP文件服务器的难得工具。软件功能强大,可以实现包HTTP/1.1、断点续传、大文件下载、正则表达式URL重写、虚拟目录、HTTP反向代理等,可通过ISAPI接口、FastCGI接口实现执行服务器脚本等诸多功能。软件界面美观简洁、简单全面、实用方便,无需培训,即可快速上手,轻轻松松完成日常用户快速建站及个人HTTP文件服务器功能,真正做到简单全面实用。是用户实现用户快速建站及个人HTTP文件服务器功能的好帮手。 MyWebServer使用说明 使用FastCGI时,在映射设置中将映射模块设置为启动FastCGI的命令,且命令行中必须包含IP:port格式(如:的服务器信息,当不需要WEB服务器启动FastCGI时,命令行中填入IP:port格式的FastCGI服务器信息即可。 如果使用ISAPI接口,指定ISAPI的DLL文件即可。 注(本服务器不集成任何动态脚本支持,要使用请自行安装):asp支持可安装IASP(该软件要求安装java运行环境)通过isapi接口实现;PHP通过isapi和FastCGI接口均可(isapi方式建议使用PHP 5.2,因为5.3以上版不再提供ISAPI支持);asp.net支持可安装mono然后通过FasctCGI接口实现。上述脚本已测试过可以运行。 URL重写命令(使用基于VBScript的正则表达式): ifsve 如果匹配指定的服务器变量则往下执行,否则执行下条规则之后的规则。(支持HTTP_HOST REMOTE_ADDR HTTP_REFERER URL四个服务器变量) rewrite 如果匹配URL 则执行重写后面URL操作,可选命令参数: P 执行反向代理; R 执行重定向; L 最后一条规则; D 禁止URL并返回HTTP状态码 例如:rewrite ^/test.rar /web/test.rar L sethd 修改反向代理时发送的HTTP头值 格式为 sethd=头名称:头值,头名称区分大小写。 小技巧:通过URL重写可让WEB服务器变成一台HTTP代理服务器(代理上网),服务端口就是代理端口,重写规则如下: rewrite ^(http:.*) $1 P MyWebServer v3.6.22  更新内容 修正HTTP代理和HTTPS等若干问题 MyWebServer 截图
2021-07-26 21:00:42 1.07MB 服务器软件-WEB服务器
2021-07-18 16:02:47 12KB 服务器软件