如果你是一个小型的办公网络,你可以创建一个服务器来进行日程安排,这只是一个开源的小服务器,你果你需要大的免费的软件去http://www.bedework.org/bedework/下载 使用教程 Installation Dependencies Radicale is written in pure python and does not depend on any librabry. It is known to work on Python 2.5, 2.6, 3.0 and 3.1 [1]. Linux users certainly have Python already installed. For Windows and MacOS users, please install Python [2] thanks to the adequate installer. [1] See Python Versions and OS Support for further information. [2] Python download page. Radicale Radicale can be freely downloaded on the project website, download section. Just get the file and unzip it in a folder of your choice. CalDAV Clients At this time Radicale has been tested and works fine with the latests version of Mozilla Sunbird (versions 0.9+), Mozilla Lightning (0.9+), and Evolution (2.30+). More clients will be supported in the future. However, it may work with any calendar client which implements CalDAV specifications too (luck is highly recommanded). To download Sunbird, go to the Sunbird project website and choose the latest version. Follow the instructions depending on your operating system. Simple Usage Starting Server To start Radicale CalDAV server, you have to launch the file called radicale.py located in the root folder of the software package. Using Sunbird or Lightning After starting Sunbird or Lightning, click on File and New Calendar. Upcoming window asks you about your calendar storage. Chose a calendar On the Network, otherwise Sunbird will use its own file system storage instead of Radicale's one and your calendar won't be remotely accessible. Next window asks you to provide information about remote calendar access. Protocol used by Radicale is CalDAV. A standard location for a basic use of a Radicale calendar is http://localhost:5232/user/calendar/, where you can replace user and calendar by some strings of your choice. Calendars are automatically created if needed. You can now customize your calendar by giving it a nickname and a color. This
2021-08-07 16:04:27 22KB 免费 CALDAV 日程管理 Sunbird