解决行业痛点,Domino移动业务轻松实现 美观大方简单界面 灵活使用移动设备硬件 安卓 IOS系通用 只需HTTP协助,无需HTTPS协义 全代码开源,部署说明,一看就能上手 请浏览PPT内容 https://blog.csdn.net/weijia3624/article/details/104018718
2021-05-24 08:24:48 5.03MB 综合资料
setupx.zip 一种快速实现连接系统的命令的工具,在很多场合,7-96目前都用上了
2021-05-19 12:04:45 6.77MB ffffgggg
2021-05-13 13:49:23 33.46MB STM32 库函数 入门库函数 在快速实现库
简单快速实现刮刮乐功能 目前很多项目中都会用到“刮刮乐”这个功能点,处于此整理出了一套比较easy的实现方法。
2021-05-09 23:44:47 406KB Swift开发-其它杂项
C#使用 MQTTnet 快速实现 MQTT 通信 Demo
2021-03-24 15:53:34 2.19MB c#
Python快速实现人脸检测 https://xercis.blog.csdn.net/article/details/108004514
2021-03-18 10:46:12 7.11MB python 人脸检测 人脸识别 戴圣诞帽
2021-03-09 11:06:16 531KB 交换机
Unity 工具 之 VText 简单快速实现 文字 3D 效果,VText 的导入设置和简单使用 版本:VText 1.37.unitypackage使用说明,可参考CSDN博文: https://blog.csdn.net/u014361280/article/details/114295520
2021-03-03 09:14:29 10.62MB Unity VText 3D字体
Training a generic objectness measure to produce a small set of candidate object windows, has been shown to speed up the classical sliding window object detection paradigm. We observe that generic objects with well-defined closed boundary can be discriminated by looking at the norm of gradients, with a suitable resizing of their corresponding image windows in to a small fixed size. Based on this observation and computational reasons, we propose to resize the window to 8 × 8 and use the norm of the gradients as a simple 64D feature to describe it, for explicitly training a generic objectness measure. We further show how the binarized version of this feature, namely binarized normed gradients (BING), can be used for efficient objectness estimation, which requires only a few atomic operations (e.g. ADD, BITWISE SHIFT, etc.). Experiments on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset show that our method efficiently (300fps on a single laptop CPU) generates a small set of category-independent, high quality object windows, yielding 96.2% object detection rate (DR) with 1,000 proposals. Increasing the numbers of proposals and color spaces for computing BING features, our performance can be further improved to 99.5% DR
2021-02-26 16:40:01 6.08MB BING 目标检测算法 代码