
上传者: aiolia818 | 上传时间: 2021-02-26 16:40:01 | 文件大小: 6.08MB | 文件类型: RAR
Training a generic objectness measure to produce a small set of candidate object windows, has been shown to speed up the classical sliding window object detection paradigm. We observe that generic objects with well-defined closed boundary can be discriminated by looking at the norm of gradients, with a suitable resizing of their corresponding image windows in to a small fixed size. Based on this observation and computational reasons, we propose to resize the window to 8 × 8 and use the norm of the gradients as a simple 64D feature to describe it, for explicitly training a generic objectness measure. We further show how the binarized version of this feature, namely binarized normed gradients (BING), can be used for efficient objectness estimation, which requires only a few atomic operations (e.g. ADD, BITWISE SHIFT, etc.). Experiments on the challenging PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset show that our method efficiently (300fps on a single laptop CPU) generates a small set of category-independent, high quality object windows, yielding 96.2% object detection rate (DR) with 1,000 proposals. Increasing the numbers of proposals and color spaces for computing BING features, our performance can be further improved to 99.5% DR



[{"title":"( 3 个子文件 6.08MB ) 基于BING算法的目标检测算法的快速实现介绍及代码","children":[{"title":"ObjectnessBING.pptx <span style='color:#111;'> 5.97MB </span>","children":null,"spread":false},{"title":"Password.txt <span style='color:#111;'> 108B </span>","children":null,"spread":false},{"title":"BingObjectnessCVPR14.zip <span style='color:#111;'> 325.73KB </span>","children":null,"spread":false}],"spread":true}]


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