wasm-bindgen-action 通过下载可执行文件来安装wasm-bindgen (比cargo install wasm-bindgen-cli ,几秒钟比几分钟)。 用法 - uses : jetli/wasm-bindgen-action@v0.1.0 with : # Optional version of wasm-bindgen to install(eg. '0.2.68', 'latest') version : ' latest ' 资源
2022-10-27 20:42:55 115KB rust wasm yew wasm-bindgen
Rust + Yew + WASM Web App(这是在此处找到的官方模板之上 如何安装 npm install 如何在调试模式下运行 # Builds the project and opens it in a new browser tab. Auto-reloads when the project changes. npm start 如何在发布模式下构建 # Builds the project and places it into the `dist` folder. npm run build 如何进行单元测试 # Runs tests npm test
2022-04-05 17:18:41 92KB Rust
awesome-yew:Ye与Yew WebAssembly相关的精选真棒清单
2021-02-02 12:06:59 12KB rust awesome webassembly wasm