2023-11-22 06:05:43 1KB python socket threading
这是前两篇的地址,可以去看代码解释 https://blog.csdn.net/y363893017/article/details/105676878 https://blog.csdn.net/y363893017/article/details/105695328 首先上本机实测截图 如果对linux基础命令都不太熟悉的话,那就先学习基础命令吧,要不然你也不清楚我敲这几个简单的命令是为啥子 下面上服务端的代码 #! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import socket import threading import pre
2022-10-31 22:05:43 145KB c fo for
斐波那契_线程 使用递归斐波那契数列的线程示例。 熟悉 C# 线程的程序。 递归斐波那契数列本身只是为了线程而选择的。
2022-05-25 13:12:56 38KB C#
- Asynchronous Processing Techniques for Android Applications.pdf
2022-05-17 19:07:31 11.29MB android Threading
之前用python的多线程,总是处理不好进程和线程之间的关系。后来发现了join和setDaemon函数,才终于弄明白。下面总结一下。 1.使用join函数后,主进程会在调用join的地方等待子线程结束,然后才接着往下执行。 join使用实例如下: import time import random import threading class worker(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): t = random.randint(1
2022-05-15 23:19:38 49KB hr IN ng
Intel TBB(Threading Building Blocks) 项目负责人编写
2022-03-15 09:43:28 2.89MB TBB
2022-01-19 15:30:21 2.97MB .net c# 教程
2019出版 Apress. Think Parallel We have aimed to make this book useful for those who are new to parallel programming as well as those who are expert in parallel programming. We have also made this book approachable for those who are comfortable only with C programming, as well as those who are fluent in C++. In order to address this diverse audience without “dumbing down” the book, we have written this Preface to level the playing field. What Is TBB TBB is a solution for writing parallel programs in C++ which has become the most popular, and extensive, support for parallel programming in C++. It is widely used and very popular for a good reason. More than 10 years old, TBB has stood the test of time and has been influential in the inclusion of parallel programming support in the C++ standard. While C++11 made major additions for parallel programming, and C++17 and C++2x take that ever further, most of what TBB offers is much more than what belongs in a language standard. TBB was introduced in 2006, so it contains support for pre-C++11 compilers. We have simplified matters by taking a modern look at TBB and assuming C++11. Common advice today is “if you don’t have a C++11 compiler, get one.” Compared with the 2007 book on TBB, we think C++11, with lambda support in particular, makes TBB both richer and easier to understand and use. TBB is simply the best way to write a parallel program in C++, and we hope to help you be very productive in using TBB.
2022-01-18 08:57:59 129.38MB C++ Threading Buildi TBB
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2021-12-27 23:11:40 224.81MB python multi-threading deep-neural-networks latex
2021-12-23 19:57:50 52KB 多线程ping ping threading