Raywendlich 的 Design Patterns by Tutorials v2.0 (iOS12 & Swift4.2 & Xcode10),包含pdf, epub 和 mobi支持kindle 三种格式
2020-01-04 03:15:15 168.92MB raywenderlic Design Patte pdf
iOS Apprentice 堪称iOS开发经典教程,不同于国内的教材套路,iOS Apprentice一共4课,每一课都将从0开始带你完成一个可用的app。而每一课app所包含的内容则由浅至深,循序渐进,整个课程相当的独具匠心。这本书算是iOS入门书籍中非常不错的一本了。新手看起来完全不费劲。强烈推荐。
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Beginning programming with Swift 4. This is a book for complete beginners to Apple’s brand new programming language — Swift 4.
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Master push notifications on iOS! Push notifications may seem simple and straightforward at first since almost everyone is familiar with them; however, knowing how and when to use them in practice can prove challenging.
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Learn all about the WatchKit framework, snapshots, notifications, complications, and much, much more!
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iOS.Animations.by.Tutorials(Ray wenderlich 出品),包含电子书和源码
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raywenderlich 的 Data Structures and Algorithms in Swift pdf 格式。 更新到最新的 swift 4 版本。
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